Chapter 10

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~In which our hero Viktoria Schmidt and her partners travel to London to spy on a rich family empire to see what is up.~

We were in a big hall. Many members with the Loft family empire and their followers stood in the mansion in Holland Park. The families were gathered in groups. The Lofts stood on stage. With them were mid evil portraits of Thomas Loft(1247-1309) and Sarah Loft(1249-1318). There were also many of their ancestors such as Edward Loft(985-1045)and Beatrice Loft(987-1058).
Many people graced the halls. Mainly prostitutes,all looking to have sex and join the family. Others were friends of the families. There were hundreds maybe even thousands of people in the ballroom at the time.

"Bonjour,Je m'appelle Béatrice Moreau. Comment vous appelez-vous?",One old woman asked,"Hello, My name is Béatrice Moreau. What is your name?"

"Je m'appelle Viktoria Schmidt. Enchanté. Ça va?",I said,"I am Viktoria Schmidt. Pleased to me you. How are you?"

"Formidable! Merci! E tu?",Béatrice asked,"Great! Thank you. And you?"

"Formidable.",I said,"Great."

"Au revoir.",Béatrice said,"Good bye."

"Au revoir.",I said,"Good bye."

Soon the Loft family king Alexander Loft got on stage.

"Welcome to another ball to celebrate the tradition our family has celebrated since 1015,the year our family became rich. Now to explain our family history, please welcome our son Matthew Loft, heir to the Loft family throne.",Alexander said

"Hello. Our family tradition takes us back to 1015,when our family was becoming the richest family in mid evil England. In 1075,our family was the most powerful family in mid evil Europe. In 1280,It became an idea to generate more money by marrying other rich people around mid evil Europe. In started in 1289,when John Loft married a woman from a rich French family. In 1293,Ruth Loft married a rich man from Norway who's ancestors were Vikings from 900-1100. In 1297,Anne Loft married into a rich family in France. By 1316,The empire had only been in England,Norway,and France with 230 members. In 1354,the family had 600 members. In 1473,the empire began expanding again. In 1897,Our family was in multiple countries,and by 1957,our family was around Europe and started heading for Asia,Australia,North America,South America,and Africa.",Matthew said

  I soon got a text message from Herr Gustav Hoffman.

Gustav:After you are done with
                the party,come to Madrid,
                Spain,I have some cool
                people for you to meet.

  "Once we expand to the entire world. Continent by continent. Country by country. State by state. City by city. Town by town. Block by block. We shall have a powerful army to overthrow the current government and have a Loft family empire running throughout the world.",Alexander Loft said

   I took out my phone. This is important information. They're trying to take over the world. I write it down on my notes app.
   On each wall was a famous member of the family who lived. There were two women who stood out to me on that list with their history.

  Béatrice was born in mediaeval England in AD 800 to a rich trader and a seamstress for a wife. She had affairs with multiple kings through out Europe through out the 820s and had multiple children.
  Her brothers Edward and Oliver and sister Ethel hated her. They attempted to kill her but failed miserably. In 857,her health began to fail. She lived until 860 and passed away.

   Elisabeth Gibson(1906-1946)
Elisabeth Loft was born in 1906 to the Loft family in London, England. Her mother hated her for her beauty and her father died during the war. At age 13,she was sent to the United States Of America.
There at age 17 in 1923,she met James Gibson. In 1924,they
married and had a son. She enjoyed a life of fun. At age 40,in 1946,she died all of a sudden.

Now,I remember that I must think back to when this dynasty began and I must trace the roots. I went to the bathroom and found a book there. It was called "Loft Dynasty". It traced back to 500 BC in Greece.

      I.Selene(500 BC-430BC)
500 BC
   That was the year I was born to Adamius(A sailor)and his wife Istela. My mother loved me with all her heart until her death in 490 BC.
490 BC
   After my mother's death,my father attempted to give me away. Most of the women in the village criticized me. After everyone turned his offer down, he attempted to kill me. I escaped every time he tried to murder me.

485 BC
   I met Alexander,a man who's father was a farmer and mother was a seamstress. We fell in love right away. His mother did not approve. She was one of the women who turned me down and she said I looked like a horse and she did not want a disappointing grandchild. Alexander and I married anyway,despite her hatred.

475 BC
   I gave birth to a son. His name was Jacobius and he was a beauty. I was lucky to survive. Most women right now could not and died.

465 BC
   I sat peacefully in my home until a man came to the door. He told me Alexander has been killed. Soon he was killed and someone was after me. I escaped and I lived. It was men my father sent out to kill me. All of it was a failure. I managed well. I shall do away with him myself.

  All of this tied into the Loft family. It does not mention anything in Chapter I,It was only starting with the fear. On the plane,I shall read Chapter II. Jacobius(485 BC-425 BC).
   I put the book in my bag next to the gun I was handed. I leave the bathroom and see Diana looking for me.

"Viktoria,we have to go. They recognized us.",Diana said

"Stop those imposters!",Oliver McHalt yelled chasing us

  I then shot lightning at him and he was dead. Shit. Not the result I was looking for. I was going to be Great Britain's most wanted.
  We escaped the mansion. We see a helicopter parked on the grounds. It might be the police or military.

"Looking for me?",A German man asked

"Gustav!",I yelled in excitement

"Don't worry,I got your stuff.",He said

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