Chapter 4

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~In which our hero Viktoria Schmidt travels to her first country Czech Republic,actually meets her counterparts,and meets her boyfriend.~

Prague,Czech Republic
I put on a nice ballgown for the ball in the lobby. I wanted to wear a dress that symbolized that I lived in a middle class family in Germany and I am an illegitimate child. I didn't want to look like I came from the Werner or Fiedler family who had that wealth for generations and generations to come and go. I saw my counterparts.
I headed into the ballroom. I was told that if I succeed in all the missions,I would be paid five million Euros. I needed that money. I would help the rest of the German community with it. I loved living in a cramped apartment,it showed I can survive.

"Olá Senhora Berlin.",Lady Lisbon said

"Hallo Fräulein Lisbon.",I said

"Ciao Signora Berlin.",Lady Rome said

"Hallo Fräulein Rome.",I said

I saw a tall gentleman ask me to dance. I couldn't say no. I just got up and danced the night away. After,we just went back to our respective corners of the dance floor. Later that night I met Hans Von Strauss on the dance floor.

"Hallo hübsch.",He said,"Hello pretty."

"Hallo,Ich bin Dame Berlin.",I said

"Lady Berlin?",He said

"Ja.",I said,"Yes."

"Well congratulations.",Hans said

"Danke.",I said,"Thank you."

"Alles klar.",Hans said,"All right."

"Lady Berlin I am.",I said

"Ich liebe dich.",He said,"I love you."

We started slow dancing. He was such a beautiful gentleman. We kissed a few times on the dance floor. He told me he knew a few people who might of been kidnapped. We went to the bar for a little while. He handed me a glass of champagne imported from France.

"Nothing is better then you.",He said

The ending had a bitter taste. We were Germans and this was from France. Most people stereotype that British people like their tea,Irish and German people like beer,French people like champagne,and Russians like vodka. I was 18,which I was legal,unlike the United States who's legal age was 21.

"Very weird taste.",I said

"Are you new to this?",Hans asked

"Yes.",I said

"Well Viktoria Schmidt.",He said

"Hans Huber.",I said

We begin to laugh. We kiss one more time. I can see Lady Rome,Lady Paris,Lady London,Lady Vienna,and Lady Kingston look at us. They brought men from each country. The Frenchmen and the Italian men outnumbered them.
We went back to his room and he pushed me on his bed. He kissed me on my head. I was going to stay here. I went to my room and grabbed my bag. I went back to his room. I undressed until I was in a bra and underwear,and then put a robe over it. I got under the covers with him.

"I've been everywhere.",Hans said

He took out his book of photos. He lived in Berlin but he has been to London,Paris,Rome,Madrid,Lisbon, Brussels,Amsterdam,Moscow,NYC, Toronto,Mexico City,Sydney,Beijing, Tokyo,Seoul,Budapest,Warsaw,and Bangkok. He had multiple adventures in the world. I haven't traveled to most places. Only to other German cities like Munich,Frankfurt,Dresden,and Hamburg. This was my first time out of Germany,but only to the Czech Republic. I saw Germany and the Czech Republic,that's it,I wasn't no German socialite who attended parties.
Hans Huber came from a rich family. They had a nice history in Germany and Switzerland. He traveled to many places on this earth from the day of his birth. I wish I could live like him. Hans Von Strauss's sister Anna-Louise Strasser was a German actress and singer. Anna-Louise married Peter Strasser who was a real estate agent in Germany. When that story broke,it was everywhere. German women started naming their baby girls Anna-Louise.
Anna-Louise was the life of the party in Germany. No one forgot about her role in "Starlight Berlin". She was a rich female who was brave and fought her robbers and hunters. Anna-Louise was one of the most well known Germans after the chancellor.
Hans starts stroking my hair and skin. He kisses me on the lips. We whisper in each other's ears that we love each other and we will never leave each other,we were in love,deeply. I stayed with him through out the night and fell asleep next to him.
Tomorrow I had a big day. I was going to fly into Tokyo,Japan and train to fight the kidnappers who have been stealing people off the streets. What were they doing to innocent people like that? Murdering them? Brainwashing them? Making an army out of them? Raping and beating them to death?

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