Chapter 11: The Finale Part 1

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1 hour later

Security Hall, Surveillance room

"and...there!"said Jack, getting the attention of Daniel and Arielle as Jack walked to the surveillance desk and sat down as he turned on the monitors

Daniel then got beside him and lean over." guessing its fixed now?"asked Daniel

The monsters then lit up and shows multiple parts of the castle, Arielle then looked at a monitor viewing the throne

She then sees both of the princesses sitting down as they are being protected by those who didn't betray them

"Well, at least Daisy and Peach are safe..."said Arielle, still looking at the live footage

"That's good...but what about the staff and the people who worked here?"asked Daniel, looking at Jack

Jack then flipped one of the camera feeds and showed the panic room viewing all the staff members

"There all in here...but one of the medical staff in missing."said Jack, Daniel then looked at the feed"You sure?"he asked

"Yep, I keep watch of everyone here and one of them is missing."answered Jack."who...?"asked Arielle, Jack then look at her

"The doctor who treated you...Dr.Bradford."said Jack, Daniel then turned around and walked a little till stopping

"Have you checked the Medical Hall?" asked Daniel."N-No, I was going to before they came in here and destroy the mainframe,"answered Jack

He then took of the panic room feed and started to put on the medical hall feed

Daniel and Arielle then looked at the monitor and saw the video moving to side to side

The room looked normal as it was before the attack and saw all the doors to the patients were closed except for one

Arielle then pointed to the open door and looked at jack."There, he must be in that room."she said

Jack then looked at the door and saw the room number and put on the camera fees for the room

In the room they see curtains around the patients bed and and can see a a silhouette from the light

"That must be him...but who's that?"said Daniel pointing at the figure at the wall

Arielle the looked at the figure and focused on it until making it out on who or what it was

"W-Wait that's...that's a magic koopa!"she said, causing Daniel to look at here and back at the figure

"If so then we need to get there,"said Daniel, as he then looked over by his men."You guys stay here and guard jack just incase if anything else happens," his men then nod to Daniel

"Jack you keep looking around the castle and inform us if there are any more troops ahead of us."."You got it."said Jack

Daniel then looked at Arielle."Come on let's go get that Koopa."said Daniel as the both of them exit the room and head to the medical

Medical Hall

Inside the Medical hall the doors leading to it were then open revealing Daniel and Arielle with both of them readying their weapons

As the both of them match down the halls slowly they then get to a corner beside each other

Daniel then looks at the camera on the corner of the ceiling in front of them and saw that it was moving up and down signaling that Jack has eyes on them

The Return: A Super Mario Fanfic (Orginal)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz