Chapter 9: The Truth

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Medical Room

"Who are you?"

Is what Archangel said to Arielle, She was staring at the bracelet with a pink mushroom on it

Arielle quickly looked at her wrist, and then back at Archangel and Yoshi."You... you took my bracket while I was unconscious!"yelled Arielle has she took the bracelet from Arcs hand

"Hey, Arc took it not me, he told me about it yesterday..."said Yoshi, pointing at Archangel, Arc then gave a weird look on Yoshi, causing him to blush and rub his neck

Archangel then points at the mushroom, and then looks at Arielle."*sighs* Look, this mushroom I've only seen it twice before and that was from Mario and Luigi..."said Archangel, Arielle looked at the mushroom symbol, and then looked down sadly

"I think you already know what that means... don't you Arc?"asked Arielle, with a sad expression, Archangel looked confused and then looked at the mushroom, Archangel remembered that Mario and Luigi and told him what they meant

"They...they told me it was a family crest, made handheld by their family..."said Archangel. Yoshi was shocked as he realized what Arc was saying."W-Wait... are you saying you're..."said Yoshi, Arielle looked up at Yoshi and Archangel

"I'm...Mario...and Luigi's...sister..."said Arielle, Yoshi and Archangel had their eyes wide open, with their jaws hanging

"H-How....Mario and Luigi never mentioned about you before, hell even never mention about having a sister,"said Yoshi, Arielle then closed her eyes and began to shed a few tears

"I... I dont want to talk about it.."said Arielle, as she started to look the other way, Archangel then put his hand on Arielle's."Arielle its okay, you can tell us."said Archangel, Arielle looked the other way not wanting to look at them

"J-just leave me alone..."said Arielle, as she began to tear up, Arc then took his hand off of Arielle's and turn around walking slowly to the door with Yoshi doing the same

2 days later, Koopa Airship

The shadow of an airship was flying through the sand of the Sarasa Desert, the sand blowing in the air and pokeys sliding on the ground.In the Airship, Hammerbros were sitting and chatting with each other, with some practicing their weaponry by hitting a picture of Mario and Luigi

A hammer then hit the picture of Mario, landing and hitting his face."Bullseye!"yelled the Hammerbro who thrown the hammer, most of the others cheered for him for hitting the target until two hammers flew by his head hitting both of the heads of Mario and Luigi

The Hammer bro from earlier turn his head around to look behind him to see Hammer putting his hands down after throwing it, the Hammerbros that cheered the other, went on to cheer the one that got both targets

The sound of intercom came on alerting the Hammerbros inside."All troops report to the front deck immediately for debriefing..."said a feminine voice, all the Hammer bros then went to the stairs heading outside to get into a single file line

Ludwig and Wendy then came out of the control room, the Hammerbros then made their hands into a fist and placed on the heart of the chest saluting to both of the Generals."At ease troops..."said Wendy, stopping a few feet away from the Hammerbros along with Ludwig

"Now... In case you don't know or may have forgotten, Our mission is to go to the Kingdom of Sarasaland, capture and arrest two fugitives, the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, and a member of the Kingdom Court, the girl that aided them is of no importance, so dispose of her to your liking,"said Wendy

Some of the Hammerbros grinned to the thought of what they might be doing too but was interrupted when Ludwig stood in front of Wendy."You are all dismissed."said Ludwig, as the Hammerbros then marched down to their quarters

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