Chapter 5: The Bunker part 2

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Castle Courtyard

They were surrounded, every they looked they saw Hammerbros everywhere and didn't know what to do."Please tell me you have a plan to get us out of this Arc?"said Arielle, looking back at Archangel.

"I'm working on it..."said Archangel, Arielle then conjures a sword and a shield and then gets into a fighting stance."Well, you better hurry or else we are screwed."said Arielle.

A Red Hammerbro then walks forward stopping mid-way."I am very unpleased to my men back at the parking lot you two, a fractured nose, second-degree burns, broken jaw, and even putting one of them out of commission...., now before we fight I have one thing to ask you..... please surrender cause, after all, you guys are heavily outn-"the Red Hammerbro is then cut off when Arielle's shield is then thrown at him hitting him in the face and knocking him on the ground.

The shield then goes back to Arielle, and she catches with her left hand."Did you guys ever experience bad guys monologuing before?"asked Arielle."Umm... no no, not really just mainly in movies."said Yoshi"Video games too."said Archangel.

"*groans* OH FORGET THIS GET THEM!!!"yelled the Red Hammerbro, all of the other Hammerbros began charging at them with those at the back throwing hammers.

Arielle then conjures a pink shield surrounding the three of them."Arc, whatever plan you have you better hurry I can't keep the shield with them attacking it."said Arielle struggling to keep the shield up.

Archangel then runs up to Ariella and tells her the plan, Arielle then moves to the center, Archangel then tells Yoshi, and then Yoshi movies to the center along with Arc.

The three of them are now back to back getting into fighting position."When I say 'now' drop the shield and get ready."said Archangel, The shield begins to crack as Arielle is now struggling, even more, to keep the shield up."Arc, anytime now!"said Arielle, the shield then cracks even more."ARC!!!"yelled Arielle."NOW!!!"yelled Archangel.

The shield then breaks apart and then the Hammerbros charge at them.

Arielle uses her shield to block incoming hammers thrown by the hammer bros, then she uses her sword to only injure, she swings her sword at one of the Hammerbros chest, then kicks him on the stomach.

Archangel uses his fire attacks and shots them on the ground, causing some of the Hammerbros to fall backward, Yoshi then jumps up in the air and does perform his Yoshi bomb slamming down on one of them and then does his egg roll.

The Red Hammerbro then charges over to Arielle, the Hammerbro then jumps in the air slams his arms on to her shield causing it to break while also causing Arielle to stumble backwards.

The Red Hammer then charges at Arielle tackling her.

Arielle is now pinned on the ground by the Red Hammerbro."Should of choice to surrender, you witch."said the Hammerbro.

"What did you just call me?"said Arielle."You heard what I've said... YOU FUCKING WITCH!!!"yelled the Hammerbro.

Arielle then blasts two pink beams of light from her hands hitting and causing the Red Hammer to fly and slamming against into a wall.

Then Arielle got up to her feet and then fired beams of light every in a circle hitting all of the Hammerbros and causing Yoshi to run and tackle Arc to the ground.

Arielle then lowered her hands which had smoke steaming out of her skin and breathing very heavily.

Yoshi and Arc then got up from the ground to look at Arielle."Yoshi..... remind to never get on her bad side....."."Same here."said Yoshi.3

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