Chapter 6: Sarasaland

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Sarasaland, Castle town

A pink flash comes out of an alley revealing Yoshi, Archangel, Toad, Peach, and Arielle; all on the ground smoke steaming from their skin.

"*groans*Where are we?... "said Yoshi, getting up from the ground and looking around the area."I....dont know.....but why is it so hot?" said Toad, sitting on the ground.

Everyone else except Arielle Arielle got up from the ground.

Archangel noticing Arielle on the ground runs up to her.

"Arielle!?"said Archangel, running over to Arielle and putting two of his fingers on her neck.

Yoshi and Peach run up to the two." Is she okay?....."said Peach.

Archangel takes his fingers of her neck and grabs her and holds her in bridal style.

"Yes....but she's barely breathing, we got to get her in a!" said Archangel.

Peach then looks around looks at the end of the alley."Wait...I think I might know where we are!"said Peach, running to the end of the alley, the others then started to follow her then stop when Peach stops and looks at her left.

"Where in Sarasaland!"said Peach, looking at a castle which wasn't too far from them."Come on we can get her help there."said Peach, signaling everyone to follow her.

The group then follow her to the castle sprinting.

"Im...."said Arielle, causing everyone to stop." Arielle... are you okay?"said Yoshi.

""said Arielle." Impa..."said Arielle, before going unconscious.

"Who's Impa?"said Archangel."I don't know who that is.... but we have to get  to the castle."said Peach

The group then run to the castle to get help for their friend.

Sarasaland, Castle Courtyard

Once they had reached the castle, they were stopped when a Pink Birdo with a bow on her head stopped them.

"Halt you are trespassing on royal grounds, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."said the Pink Birdo

"Birdo? w-what are you doing here?"said Yoshi, walking in front of the group."I'm head of security here."said Birdo.

"What?.... since when?"said Yoshi, with a confused look."Maybe you know, if you get my emails or invite me to family events!"said Birds.

"Ugh...what's going on?"asked Toad."Oh...right I forgot they were cousins,"said Archangel, still holding Arielle in his arms." look Birdo...we just want to get inside and help our friend...she's unconscious and needs a doctor."said Archangel, walking beside Yoshi and stopping.

"So please can we come in?"asked Archangel, Bird just looked at him for a second and then looked at Yoshi.

"No...."said Birdo."WHAT!!!"yelled everyone, except Birdo and Arielle."You heard me...I said no."said Birdo.

"Birdo come on...our friend is hurt."said Yoshi, trying to get Birdo to let them in."I SAID NO YOSHI IM NOT LETTING YOU OR FRIENDS GET IN SO TAKE YOUR GAY RAGGEDY ASS OUT OF HERE!!!"yelled Birdo.

Yoshi didn't know what to say about that he just stood there, Yoshi even started to shed a few tears."Peach...hold Arielle for me,"said Archangel, handing Arielle over to Peach."Ugh...okay?"said Peach, holding Arielle by her arms.

Archangel runs up to Birdo and punches her on the cheek.

Birdo then falls on the ground holding her cheek, then Archangel stands in front of her."If you ever say that to him again, I swear I will not stop myself from doing that again!"said Archangel, defending Yoshi.

"What makes you think you can hit me, cause your his boyfriend?"said Birdo, making Archangel confused."What? no I-I'm just his friend."said Archangel, Birdo then got up and looked at Archangel and back at Yoshi.'Payback time, you faggot...'thought Birdo."You don't know, do you....?"said Birdo, looking at Archangel.

"Know what?"said Archangel."*scoffs* The green faggot.... has a crush on you...."said Birdo, Archangel was in shock about what he had heard, that his own best friend had a crush on him, Archangel then looked at Yoshi."I-Is this true Yoshi....?"said Archangel.

Yoshi didn't know what to do he just stood there realizing that his own cousin had just revealed his most kept secret to his best friend, Yoshi was about to say something before the door to the castle opens revealing a young woman in a gold dress, walking towards them"Birdo!...What is going on her- Peach, Yoshi, Arc what are you guys doing here?"said the Unknown Women.

Archangel stopped looking at Yoshi and went over to pick up Arielle from Peaches hands."It's Arielle, Daisy...she needs a doctor."said Archangel."*sigh* Birdo, I want you to take them to the medical hall in the castle!"said Daisy, looking at Birdo.

"B-But Princess...they..."said Birdo, before being interrupted by Daisy."That's an order Birdo.... and once you are me in the throne room, I like to have word with you..."said Daisy."*sigh* As you wish Princess..."said Birdo.

The group then follow Birdo to the and then enter the castle.

Sarasaland Castle

Inside the castle, the group follows Birdo to the medical hall to get Arielle helped, Yoshi then looks at Archangel and stops moving without any of them noticing, Yoshi looked to see a sign pointing to the staircase.

Yoshi then opens the door to the stairwell and heads to the roof.

Sarasaland Castle, Medical Hall

One of the doctors in the medical hall was examining Arielle: checking vitals, brain activity, all of it. But the doctor couldn't find out what was wrong with her."*sigh* I'm sorry... but I just can't find out what's wrong with her."said The Doctor.

"What.....but I thought you were a doctor?"said Archangel, sitting on a chair."I am..... but whatever is wrong with her its out of my league."said The Doctor putting his equipment up, Archangel was watching the Doctor putting his things up when he saw a bracelet on Arielles wrist.

He thought it was a normal and ordinary piece of jeweler, but when he saw something on the bracelet that he remember seeing, he got up from his chair and got closer to her, he then looked at the bracelet and saw a small pink image of a mushroom on it.

Archangel then looked at Arielle and looked back at the wrist.'Who are you?'thought Archangel.

Peach on the other side of Arielle got up and walked to the door."Peach, where you going?" said Archangel, causing the princess to stop and look back."I'm going to speak with Daisy tell her what happen at the Mushroom Kingdom."said Peach, walking to the door.

"*sighs* Looks like it just me and yo-"said Archangel, only to see him and toad in the room."Ugh... Toad wheres Yoshi...?"asked Archangel, looking at Toad and getting a slight srug from the small mushroom man."Then where did he..... stay here Toad, I'm gonna go find him."said Archangel

Archangel then left the room, leaving Toad with Arielle.

End of Chapter 6

Stay tuned for Chapter 7:A Yoshi's love

The Return: A Super Mario Fanfic (Orginal)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora