Chapter 4: The Bunker part 1

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Castle Town, Arielle's Car

Archangel was looking out in the window, looking in the streets and seeing no one.

The only thing he saw out in the window, we're parked cars and Airships.

"Where is everyone?"said Arielle, looking around making sure they don't run into any of Browsers goons.

"Shouldn't they be wondering what's going on or at least panicking in the streets."said Arielle.

"I don't know.... maybe they evacuated from the town, hid in their homes, or....-"."What if they were..."said Yoshi, cutting off Archangel.

Arc then looks down, looking at Yoshi who was shaking a little bit remembering what happened to him and his people.

"Hey don't think about that alright, and besides even if Bowser wanted to do that he wouldn't risk doing the same plan that failed."said Archangel, comforting his friend.

Yoshi slowly stopped shaking but still thinking about the possibility of it happening.

[Flashback 10 Years Ago]

Yoshi was being carried by two Koopa Troopas who were bringing him to a cage filled with several other Yoshis inside.

The Koopas open the gate door then threw Yoshi inside causing him to land on his nose, causing him to bleed; then one of the Koopas closes the gate and lock it, then walk away.

Yoshi gets up from the ground, and hold his nose due to the pain, Yoshi then moves over to one of the corners of the cage and sits there crying for his family and friends.

"Psst... hey."said the unknown voice whispering behind Yoshi. Yoshi then turns his head around from where the voice came from.

Out of nowhere a Red Yoshi with glasses."Arc... how did you..."said Yoshi whispering." I was out taking a stroll at one of the caves, nearby before they'd attack; and once they did I hid."said Archangel

"Can you...?"said Yoshi."No, I cant... even with my fire It won't be hot enough to melt the cage."said Archangel, looking down on the ground.

Yoshi looked down at the ground frowning. It wasn't until long that Arc had an idea; it wasn't his best but it'll have to work.

"I've got an idea.... but it's gonna till I get back."said Archangel."What do you mean?"said Yoshi." *sighs* I'm going to the Mushroom Kingdom to get help, I can take boat or airship, but it might take me a day or two to get there."said Archangel, he then gets up on his knees and starts to walk away before his hand is grabbed by Yoshi.

"No wait... please don't go."said Yoshi, frowning and about to cry. Archangel then kneels down in front of Yoshi and looks at him in the eyes.

He then takes off his glasses and hands them to Yoshi."Take it, that way you know I'm still here with you."said Archangel.

Yoshi then takes the glasses out of Arcs hand and puts them on."Keep them safe for me.... for when I come back."said Archangel

He then gets up and runs to the other direction, Yoshi watches him running and sheds a tear.

4 days later

"Where are you, taking me?"said Yoshi, being dragged by the arms of two Koopa Troopas.

The Koopas don't answer him, and continue dragging the Yoshi; Yoshi then turns his head and sees floating blocks and a fake Yoshi egg below it.

They reach the floating blocks, and one of the Koopas let go of Yoshi; the Koopa then walks over to the egg and opens it.

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