Chapter 14 a battle to behold pt 1

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As me and Dante got to the ship we went over to the director "sir I got the person you wanted but we have a problem"I say looking straight at him with Dante to my right "and what might that be agent Sn?"he ask not Evan giving me a glance "he is my brother and I would like to watch over my little brother" I say.he turns and looks at me "but when I read your file it said you had no family" he says "I keep my past secret from most people and yes my family did die but he and I survived." I say clearing the questions in his mind Dante walks up to him "hi the names Dante don't get on my bad side you will regret it."he says with smirks placed on his face offering his hand to the director. They shake hands and we go to my room. When we arrive there I see Maine sleeping soundly I go over and shake her show she wakes up. She opens her eyes sees me and hugs me. "Hey Maine I want you to meet some one"I point at Dante "this is Dante my brother that I thought died"I finish she looks at Dante and waves "it's good to finally meet you"she says "well Yn good to see we both have dads charm"she blushes and hides her face in my chest "Dante stop your embarrassing her but I want to test your skill Maine get the others in the training room for me"I say and kiss her lips quickly
Time skip
Me and Dante enter the arena he has his shirt off so do I we want to put on a show.

 "Hey Maine I want you to meet some one"I point at Dante "this is Dante my brother that I thought died"I finish she looks at Dante and waves "it's good to finally meet you"she says "well Yn good to see we both have dads charm"she blushes and hides...

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all the girls blush at me and Dante but we don't care we have are swords and pistols "hey can you do tricks with your pistols?"I ask "yep"he answers "wanna show off?" I ask he nods we we do the same tricks in sink

An:Only watch the beginning end it when it changes to the real life person
We holster the guns in are pockets chuckle together "are you ready little bro?"I say shocking the girls except Maine "I was going to ask you the same thing big bro"he says "then let's begin"I say and unsheathed Yamato when he summons rebellion from his back his tattoo glows.

An:Only watch the beginning end it when it changes to the real life personWe holster the guns in are pockets chuckle together "are you ready little bro?"I say shocking the girls except Maine "I was going to ask you the same thing big bro"he says "...

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We charge at each other and clash are blades

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We charge at each other and clash are blades

 We get flung back because of the force "you are good"he says "so are you"I say back smiles on are faces we both take out are pistils and shoot at each other each bullets colliding with each other

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We get flung back because of the force "you are good"he says "so are you"I say back smiles on are faces we both take out are pistils and shoot at each other each bullets colliding with each other.

We both run out of bullets so we take out are swords agin and circle the arena. "Want to kick it up a notch?"he ask "sure"he looks at me with a evil smile and his body starts to change color his hair and body turns ice white while his eyes glow red.

 "Want to kick it up a notch?"he ask "sure"he looks at me with a evil smile and his body starts to change color his hair and body turns ice white while his eyes glow red

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"I see you have your devil trigger well so do I but I have a little more tricks"I say as my skins turn the same and my hair spikes and my eyes glow blue"

"I see you have your devil trigger well so do I but I have a little more tricks"I say as my skins turn the same and my hair spikes and my eyes glow blue"

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I unsheathed Yamato

And close with him aging and get launched back and I look away and appear behind Dante and launch him

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And close with him aging and get launched back and I look away and appear behind Dante and launch him.

Time skip
We both still at a tie still battling the girls are amazed just by watching.  I start to make a clone of myself

"Let's untie this brother"I say "ya let's"he says

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"Let's untie this brother"I say "ya let's"he says

An:Well I hope you like also I notice I had trouble with two images but there so cool so I give you the url to find them on your own


I recommend just copy and past on the internet but that's it also sorry for the delay I had to make this as badass as I could so I could redeem my self but thanks and have a good day night evening morning and sorry for misspells peace ✌️

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