Chapter 4 battel with Maine

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We had finally arrived at the training area for are battle we entered and the ships ai started up the match me and Maine were facing each other from two sides of the arena while the other freelancer watched from the sidelines and prayed I don't get hurt too bad. "Ready?" I ask "yep"she answered them the ai counted down "3...2...1.....Go!"and like that Maine attempts to rush me but I just side step and she passes me she turns around I mock by beckoning her  (An :look it up) then with rage she throws a punch at me and I stand still and move one hand and catch her punch inches from hitting your helmet all the freelancer reactions besides your was a face of shock and disbelief.😱was what it looked like under there helmet then you in Maine's shock you wand up your arm and said

An Just listen to the words
And you punched her in the face you put so much force it nocked her into the other freelancer. "Flawless victory" you say and walk over to Maine and offer her a hand.she accepts it and you pick her up "focus on technic then then you will have a better chance."you say "ok how did you do that it was amazing!!!!" Wash praises your for your victory. "A Magician never reveals his secrets." You say and walks away all the freelancer watch him go away and all think the same thing 'how?'

The new freelancer حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن