Chapter 8 healing

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I open my eyes from my deep sleep to look at my sides to see everyone there I'm not In my amor I'm in a medial robe so I get up and go to my room and get my clothes and go to the director to ask questions 'hey Virgil wake up' you talk in your head "morning that was a good two day nap how are you"he says as he appears on my shoulder 'good I got shot in the throat so I can't talk so will you be my voice for a while' you tell him "sure I live in your head rent free least I can do"he says in a joking tone. you approached the director "hey I'm going to be his voice he wants to know we're his stuff is."Vergil says for me "it's just arrived at your room agent Sn" hey says you nod and walk back. You reach your room agin and grab Yamato and put on your neck less and leave your amor and head to the training area "hey can we train?"Vergil ask the ai of the ship "yes you may agent SN"and with that you trained with Yamato the ai of the ship made a holographic replica of you and you fought

(An:you don't have to each the whole thing just some of it)
Maine POV
I was sleeping when I kept getting the same image of Yn on the floor bleeding at that thought I snapped out of my dream breathing heavy and sweating I look at the bed and see that Yn is not there at that I rushed around the whole ship till I find him doing training with a halo graphic image of himself and he looked amazing while doing it he stops looks at me and smiles I can't take as soon as the training ended I ran to him and hugged him and started to cry he patted my pack to sooth me I see his ai Virgil I think his name was appeared on his shoulder and began to talk with a voice that sounded just like Yn "hey don't cry I'm fine my ai will talk for me for a while don't worry it was not your fault I did so you would not have this fate don't blame your self." Hey said through the ai I just kept hugging him and slowly stoped crying and with that we went to wake everyone else first Texas then Carolina washYork  north south as soon as the we're fully awake they all hugged Yn j joined in a few seconds in I see him trying to get out I look at him and see him turning blue I quickly get every one off he explained to every one that he is going to talk through his ai. No one cared if he had through a ai were just happy he is alive and with that he left to somewhere I followed him to his room without him noticing
I was walking to my room and I new Maine was following me so before I went in my room I looked in Maine's direction and Virgil in my voice said "come here Maine I know your there"and she stepped out shy at first then made her way over to she stepped in front of me Virgil ask still in my voice why are you following me ?" " i-i could not sleep and wanted to make sure you were ok"she stuttered "if it bothers you that much u can sleep with me in my room I have a spear bed." Virgil says
Maine POV
'HE JUST ASK ME TO SLEEP WITH HIM!!!!!' I scream to myself in my head and said "s-sure t-that would be great" and with that he opened the door and he and I went into the room he went to go change out of his clothes into something to ware and he comes out in Fc pjs I blush as I look at his build he still had his neck less on "aren't you going to change"the ai said in his voice I blush at the realization I go in to the bathroom strip my amor off and go out the bathroom to show Yn

" Virgil saysMaine POV 'HE JUST ASK ME TO SLEEP WITH HIM!!!!!' I scream to myself in my head and said "s-sure t-that would be great" and with that he opened the door and he and I went into the room he went to go change out of his clothes into some...

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"Pink white and brown hair you still look stunning"the ai comments in his voice and I blush but it was dark In the room he could not see and with that we went to are beds and slept.a hour has passed and I still could not sleep I don't know what made me do it but I got up and got in bed with Yn his warm body and comfy bed put me to sleep like having a bottle of night quill. And I was out.

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