The Truth And A New Enemy Revealed

Start from the beginning

 "So, what happened?" Paige asked.

 "As time went by Vassago was angered by the other Vamps allegiance to Santos and so he spoke to Micah, promising him what he craved the most...power! In return of the other Vamps deaths at the hands of humans, Vassago would give Micah power beyond his dreams. So, they went through with their plan, every Vamp was killed except for the Elders, Keeper and Vassago and every one of them fell by a Watcher's hand."

 "How do you and the monastery fit into this?" Roman questioned.

 "To obtain this great power though, they had to come here where an ancient scroll; a prophecy lay, guarded by a group of monks. Of course, when they got here the monks refused to tell them where it was or give it up and it started a battle; one the church to this day hides to keep its reputation safe. The Vamps and Watchers accused the other of breaking their pact and the war between them began."

 "Okay, so how do you fit into this? What about the bitch who attacked and almost killed me?" 

 "The original leader of The Watchers was my blood, he was my great, great, great, great..."

 "Alright, we get the point!" Dean said annoyed, cutting him off. "He was your Grandfather."

 "Yes and I'm the only Watcher left who still believes in Santos and my Grandfather's pact. I'm an outcast; I have been my entire life, because of my beliefs and desire to reveal the truth."

 "So, the bitch who attacked me...she was one of Micah's followers?" Dean asked.


 "How did The Watchers get the dagger if Vassago held it?" Zander questioned.

 "Before Vassago grew his new family; which includes Dean and Zander, Micah and the other Watchers attacked and stole the dagger. He swore to Vassago that he would fall by the hand of a Watcher, even if it took a 1000 years!"

 "If she's a Watchers descendent, why didn't she know how to kill me with the dagger then?"

 "Micah and his followers were sloppy, undisciplined and over the years their descendants only became worse. I, on the other hand, studied and trained, preparing myself for the final battle."

 "Okay, now explain how you not only knew I was a Vamp, but that I was also the Chosen One and how you knew where my family was!" Dean demanded.

 "It all comes down to the prophecy." Jameson answered. "You see, the scroll had nothing to do with Micah, that was a lie to get the Watchers to help them find it, Vassago knew the monks would never have trusted Vamps, so he used Micah and the others as a cover. He wanted the scroll to learn its secrets and uncover the identity of the Chosen One so; he could kill him before he knew what he was. I learned of the prophecy after I came across my Grandfather's scroll, I thought it was the only one, until now. After studying the scroll for years and my training as a Watcher, I was able to tell what Dean was. After saving him, I honestly didn't have any idea where your family was, but I figured coming here would have been a good start. When I arrived and saw your cars I knew I had been right." Jameson explained.

 ", you could read the scroll?" Zander asked shocked.

 "Me, no." Jameson answered. "I"

 "Are there any more Watchers?" Paige asked.

 "No, after killing Sarah; the woman from the alley, I'm the only Watcher left, which is why I saved Dean."

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