Deep Thoughts

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Taking a deep breath you got into the car as well. You looked over at Jensen, he was oddly quiet and his brows furrowed in deep thought.
"Jensen, I know something is wrong just tell me." You said gently.
"Nothing's wrong." He replied firmly.
"Right then be like that, can you take me home please."
He looked over at you for a moment and then back on the the road. No reply.
You knew there was something on his mind. There had been ever since Gen had come to drop off the clothes.
You stared out of the window in deep thought, wondering what was wrong with him. You sat up when you saw familiar streets zooming past in the window. He was actually taking you home. He parked outside your house and you got out. "Thanks for tonight Jensen, it was amazing." He looked at you with an unmeaningful smile on his face and nodded as you walked away.
You opened the front door with your key not looking back. He didn't even say goodbye to you. Nothing. Maybe he didn't like you. You knew he was going to be like that just you felt like with him there may be something different.
You went upstairs to check on your mom and she was fast asleep. Reaching your hand in your pocket you started panicking when you couldn't find it anywhere.
Shit! You thought, it was most probably at Jensens house. Well you were going to have to face him again tomorrow anyway. Trying to forget the whole night you took off Gens clothes and got changed into your own and got into bed slowly drifting away into a deep sleep.

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