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After finishing up in the convention room, you walked out, being careful to avoid Jensen. You knew what these people were like. Making your way to Hugo you noticed the whole place was empty and no one was really around.
You saw Hugo and walked towards him.
"How did it go? I didn't catch your name by the way."
"My name is Y/N and yeah it went well, it was very interesting as well."
"That's good, so is everything cleaned and ready for tomorrow?"
You were puzzled, you were doing another convention for supernatural? That meant you had to meet Jensen again, amazing!
"Yeah" you replied giving a half hearted smile.
"Great! Anyways you should head home, early start tomorrow. Use the back exit because we are starting to lock up down here" he ordered, you nodded your head and with a little wave you were walking towards the door.
Stepping outside you could feel the cold wind whirling around you, trapping you in its icy grip. Your teeth chattered loudly as the wind howled. You wrapped your little jacket around you tightly and started making your way towards your car that was all the way on the other side of the building.
You weren't even halfway there when suddenly you felt someone grab your shoulder and throw you against the hard,cold wall. Putting your hand to your head you could se the red liquid running down your hand. You looked up to see a man in a black jacket with his hood up and black pants. On his face was a malicious, disgusting smile.
He looked quite old and was clearly on something. He walked towards you, his hands outstretched trying to pull you into him. You felt his warm breath on my neck making your hairs stand on edge. He reeked of alcohol and cigarettes.
"Get off me!" You screamed, kicking him and punching him but he was much stronger than you. He grabbed your arms and covered my mouth, his mouth travelling down your body.
Out of nowhere he yelled in agony as he fell forwards onto you. Someone pulled him off of you and pushed him onto the ground, their foot making contact with his body time and time again.
"Stop" You whispered. "That's enough" you could feel the warm tears slide down your face. He was touching you everywhere and you couldn't even do anything about it. You felt disgusting and weak but most of all defeated.
"Shh Y/N it's okay I'm here." I heard a soothing but deep voice whisper as my eyelids dropped and I passed out.

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