I Ain't Yours

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You sat there until the end, ready to get them anything they needed. You and the green eyed man- who you learnt was named Jensen- made frequent eye contact and he winked at you a couple of times as well. You laughed when you listened to their little stories it was actually interesting.
After everything was over it was time to get everyone out, calmly everyone walked out the room after taking their pictures with the celebrities. This was easy, you could do this. Once everyone was out the door, it was time to clean up. Sarah had wandered off taking the cast backstage, leaving you alone to do all the work. You put you head down and started collecting the chairs.
Suddenly you felt someone tap your shoulder "Hey do you know where the bathrooms are?" A familiar voice asked. My face lit up as I turned around, knowing what I would see.
"Hm well if it isn't Jensen Ackles."
"So you were actually paying attention to the convention huh? I never really caught your name by the way."
"Oh it's, wait why do you need to know?" You teased.
"Because I don't want to keep calling you beautiful." He smirked at me.
"Okay, my name is Y/N" you felt your cheeks redden at his comment.
"Like I said beautiful woman, beautiful name. Now do you want to show me where the bathrooms are?"
"I have no idea where anything is here, it's my first time working here." You shrugged.
"So you don't want to talk to me huh? It's fine I get it." He turned and started to walk away before you grabbed his shoulder.
"Where you going? I never said I wouldn't help you find them."
"Oh okay, I knew you liked me" he winked. You punched him playfully on the shoulder. "What? I caught you staring at me so many times." You rolled your eyes as you walked towards the door.
Walking down the hallways, you could see everyone leaving because the first day of ComicCon was nearly over. You both walked in silence until you tuned a corner where there was two doors one with a female sign and one with a male.
"There you go" you said pointing towards the female toilets.
"I don't mind coming in there with you." He chuckled.
"Wait for me" he said before walking into the bathroom.
Rolling your eyes, you walked away.
He was a famous actor, he probably just wanted to use you anyway. You weren't in the mood for being somebody's one night stand. You went to finish your job.

Reality  (Jensen Ackles X Reader Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora