Chapter 67: Finishing The Book

Start from the beginning

I charged towards her and attacked, this time she went after me with a physical means blocking all of my punches and kicks and yet managing to land all of hers. She splayed out her hand and I was picked up from the floor and thrown inside a barn nearby.

"Do you understand now, Klaus? I am your superior in every single way. Always have been and always will be." I lunged for her again and she continued to smash me into cupboards, stoves and kicked me into the wall. "I can actually smell your fear and believe me it is abysmal. Tell me, what is it like? Knowing that at any moment you could lose your life? I've never felt that way throughout my entire existence. Start counting your heartbeats Klaus because they are numbered."

"It's a shame Andromeda isn't here to witness your victory." I managed to splutter out.

"Andromeda is nothing to me." She said with a smirk.

"Perhaps I should mention Freya then." She stopped hitting me and for a second I saw a flash of love in her eyes. In that moment, I took her arm in my grip and snapped it, kicking her to the ground as she screamed in pain. She used her other hand and cast a pain infliction spell forcing me to the ground.

"Oh Klaus, this is about the greatest underdog story of all time." She said with an angered smile. "The girl who had everything taken from her by one family. And she will take down the entire family, tyrannical king included."

"I am not the villain of this fairy-tale that you have conjured in your disturbed mind. I don't even remember you." I spat out at her. "You are the author of everything you are."

"Then allow me to finish the book." I thought it was over. I thought that this was how I would meet my end but as I closed my eyes and waited for her to take me, the clang of a pan could be heard. I opened my eyes and saw Hayley squaring off with Lara now too.

Lara thrust out her hand and pushed, sending Hayley flying through the walls and into the Bayou. The two of us chased after her but ultimately, she was faster. She plunged her hand into the hybrid's chest and clutched her heart.

"And thus, the tale comes to it's inevitable end." Lara said with a smirk.

"What do you prove by killing her? It is me that you hate." Lara looked at me incredulously.

"You still don't seem to understand that I don't care who dies! I killed Finn, I killed Cami, I helped kill Fiore because I knew that it would cause your family even the smallest fraction of pain that you have inflicted not only on me, but on the entire world! Nevertheless, indulge me. Maybe I'll spare her if you do. Get on your knees." I looked back at her with fury and she glared straight back. "If I have to force you to do it, Hayley will die. I can feel her heart pounding in my fist. Your pride versus my mercy, you really want to bet on it?"

I obliged and got to my knees, bowing my head down lower when Elijah rapidly appeared and threw her backwards. Freya began to reverse the spell on her and Lara looked back at her with hurt in her eyes.

"Her power is gone." Freya said sadly. "She's just an ordinary vampire now."

"Wouldn't be so sure." Lara threw out both her hands and the entire family was brought to their knees from the force of her spell. "I've never been a normal vampire, come to think of it, that was the first time that I've been a vampire, and yet again one more thing for you to strip away from me. I will kill each and every single one of you and I will not stop until every single trace of the Mikaelson family has been destroyed. Maybe I'll take Grace, mm? Teach her all the despicable things that all of you have done."

"Lara, wait!" Freya stood up, despite the pain she was feeling and turned to her. "You say that my family has done bad things but what about you?"

"Finn and Cami are dead because of your family." Lara snapped.

"I'm talking about Fiore." Lara looked taken aback and sheepish as Freya brought her name up. "You told me that you had nothing to do with it."


"You lied to me, Lara! I let you in, against every instinct I let you in! And you lied to me." Freya screeched as tears poured from her eyes. When Lara saw this, she unknowingly dropped the spell on us. "We are in this position because of actions YOU TOOK! When you told me that you—You said that if things were in your control you would change. You would do everything in your power to make that change happen. Do this now. End this. You said this ends one of two ways, you fulfil the prophecy or you die. So die."

She looked back at Freya in sadness and in that moment, I sped to her and stuck my hand in her chest, clutching onto her heart.

"Any last words?" I looked at Freya and doubted whether I should do it, but Freya knew it had to be done.

"Freya, when I said I loved you, I meant it. I still do and I'm giving this all up, for you. I'm sorry." I pulled out her heart and dropped it on the floor beside her body. Freya ran away in tears and Elijah followed after her, leaving me with Hayley. I pulled out my lighter and set Lara's body ablaze and as the flames crackled, I could only think of Fiore and the sacrifice that she had made for us. She would have wanted me to let her legacy live on and by prohibiting Hayley from continuing with it, I was dishonouring her.

"The wake was to be at St. Ann's and the processional march to follow must be big. She wanted a small funeral, just family and close friends. In Mystic Falls, at her cave. You should probably contact Caroline Forbes; she'll be of great service to you in this matter."

"She really is gone, isn't she Klaus?" Hayley said with tears in her eyes. "God, I put her through hell and she still managed to look the other way. And now she's gone. And Grace isn't gonna know her mother and—How the hell are we gonna do this Klaus?"

I refused to meet Hayley's gaze as in all honesty I didn't know the answer. And one look would force me to fall to pieces.

"Let's leave Lara to burn alone, mm? We should probably get back to Kol and Marcel anyway. Plus, I'm quite certain Freya is in need of other people that love her." I turned around and Elijah was looking back with a troubled look.

"Where's Freya?" I asked him.

"In the car. She's hurting but our sister will pull through." He assured me.

"Then why do you look like that?" I asked him still unconvinced.

"Because Niklaus, there is something that you need to know."

A/N: And that was the end of Lara...? Where does that leave Lucien? And Aurora's still running around on 2 legs unaccounted for... Hm. I hope you enjoyed! If you did, please vote and follow! I always follow back active followers! Comment and tell me what you think is up with Lucien? And Hayley and Klaus now that Fiore is in the heavens!

I know I said I would post all three today but I changed my mind last minute (sorry). The other two chapters will be posted on Tuesday and then you get your three on Thursday! We're nearing the end guys, less than ten to go!

Love you as always! Until next time! X

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