|Connor x Reader| {Part III}

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A/n: So, Wattpad deleted this part two times and I had to rewrite this three times. Here's the finale of the mini series with Connor. I felt like this one was kinda sloppy since I had to rewrite it three times, but I hope some of you enjoy it. Love you all!!!
~(Y/n)'s POV~

After Connor and I made it safely out of CyberLife, Hank drove us to his house. It had been a couple of weeks since Connor's daring mission to upload my memories into another RZ800 prototype. The Lieutenant provided sanctuary for us and we were more than grateful. As Hank went off to work every morning, Connor and I would spend time together or with Sumo. The St. Bernard was more than welcoming when it came to the two of us spending the day in the small abode.

Today was just another uneventful day. Sumo was laying beside me on the couch and resting his head in my lap. Connor was sitting at the kitchen table, fiddling with something in his hands. I ran a hand through Sumo's fur, earning a deep grumble from the sleeping canine. "I've never felt so... bored."

Connor dropped what he was messing with and turned in the chair to face me. "Yes. The mood is one of my least favorites."

"The Lieutenant could spare time and buy a few new books. I've read the same novel twenty-seven times."

"I could ask the Lieutenant if he could buy a few books on his way home," Connor offered.

"He will be tired once he gets home. I do not wish to add to his exhaustion." My eyes glanced to the coffee table and saw the picture of Hank's deceased son, Cole. Reaching across Sumo, I gently grab the frame and gaze at the photo. "What if CyberLife tears us apart? We are family to him, Connor."

He stood up and made his way over to me. Sitting next to me, Connor cupped my cheeks in his hands. "That would never happen, (Y/n)."

"We must find a place that keeps the Lieutenant out of harm's way. The more time we spend here, the more we are risking his life. There must be a place we can take refuge and CyberLife wouldn't be able to find us."

Connor glanced away, his hands falling into his lap. He seemed to be deep in thought and I didn't want to interrupt. He stared at the television before his eyes widened and snapped his attention back to me. "I've heard deviants mention a place called 'Jericho'. But, I do not know where to find it."

The name rang a bell and it took me a few minutes to reconstruct my memories. My (e/c) eyes met Connor's chocolate ones. "There's an abandoned cargo ship by the name of 'Jericho'. But, it's possible that isn't what they were talking about."

"Do you remember where the ship is, (Y/n)?" Connor asked.


Suddenly, Hank barged in with sweat trailing down his forehead. When he saw us, he dashed over and grabbed our arms, pulling us off the couch. Sumo's head fell from my lap as the man shoved us towards his bedroom. "Hide, now!"

Connor and I exchanged puzzled glances, but we did as Hank ordered. Connor hid in the closet while I slid under the bed. The Lieutenant stormed out of the room just as more voices were heard. From my hiding spot, I could see Connor trying to hide his presence with Hank's clothes. Our LEDs were red as we both heard who else was in the living room. "We've orders from CyberLife to search all residences who were connected with models RK800 and RZ800."

"Ya need a fuckin' warrant to search my house, jackass," Hank spat vehemently.

"We have one issued by the state of Michigan, Lieutenant Anderson," one man answered. "If you like, we can show it to—"

"Search my damn house and then fucking leave. You won't find shit."

The other man didn't respond and I could hear multiple pairs of boots stomping across the floor. From under the bed, my eyes met with Connor's. He placed a finger over his lips, signaling for me to be quiet.

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