Chapter 25

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I look at him, my eyes wide with shock. Does he really have the come here after what he did? I put my hand on the door and slam it, but before it could shut, he stops it abrutly with his hand.

We have nothing to talk about,” I spat, my words laced with vemon.

“C’mon, just give me three minutes,” he begs. His green eyes pleading. I sigh.

“Three minutes,” I confirm. He smirks slightly. He puts a hand on my shoulder and I instantly shake it off. He looks down ashamed then back up.

“Crystal, it wasn’t what it looked like. I was out to go surprise you at the theater, when the paparazzi came at me, ambushing me. It was crazy. So I ran into that side street and Rebecca must have been following me. She kissed me. She wanted me back. I pulled away. I love you. You have to believe me,” he pleads. He seems sincere, but I can’t drive myself to believe him.

“Why should I believe you? From what it looked like you were enjoying it a lot,” I add bitterly. Harry rolls his eyes and grabs my hand, trying to intertwine his fingers with mine. I pull away disgusted by his touch. “Don’t touch me!”

“Crystal, I-“

“No! Listen to me! I loved you! I FUCKING LOVED YOU! You were everything to me. But you broke my heart. And I’m not going to let you do that again,” I tell him harshly. I look him directly in his green eyes, which are now glazing over with tears.

“You don’t understand how much you mean to me,” he says softly, holding back his tears.

“Harry…it’s over. Let’s just pretend none of this has ever happened. We were never together and there was nothing between us,” I state, will tears stinging in my eyes.

“Saying there was nothign between us would be the biggest lie I’ve told,” he whispers. I shake my head.

“No. The biggest lie was when you told me you loved me,” I retort. My words filled with toxins. He is taken aback by my statement. “I never want to see you again!” I shout. He goes to grab my hip but I step back. I see a tear begin to form at the edge of his eye. But that tear is nothing compared to the hundreds I’ve shed over him.

“Well, you get your wish. The boys and I are leaving for our next tour tomorrow,” he explains. I scoff and cross my arms.

“And when were you planning on telling me that?” I accuse.

“Yesterday, when I met you at the movie!” he yells. I stummble back, at the sterness in his voice. When he sees the fear in my eyes, his expression softens. “You’re the most beautiful, amazing, perfect girl I’ve ever met. Please just forgive me,” he begs. I look at him as he tries to win me over.

“Not this time Harry,” I mummble, backing him out the door. Tears start to eclipse my eyes. I see a single tear roll down his face.

“I love you,” he tells me. The sincerity in his voice is undeniable, but I won’t fall into his trap again.

“Goodbye, Harold,” I say while close the door softly and locking it. He knocks on it, and just through the simple rapping I can feel the pain in every movement he makes. The regret in his eyes is still visable to me. I lean against the door and my body falls to the floor. I pull my knees to my chest and bury my heads in my hands. I let the tears come out, staining my cheeks and palms. No matter how much I want to feel those stong arms wrapped around me, I won’t give in. This time my heart wasn’t only wounded, it was killed.

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