|Connor x Reader|

Start from the beginning

I handed the beautiful flower to Connor and he scanned it. "There are no fingerprints on it, (Y/n)."

"Like always, our killer knows how to hide their trail without leaving behind a single breadcrumb." The disdain in my voice was clear as day.

Hank and Shelby arrived just as I tossed the orchid on the ground. "Nothing?" The Lieutenant asked.


"Well, shit..."

"I'm going back to the station and reviewing the case files for every boy. Maybe something will align and I'll be able to find a single clue to whoever this killer is."

Hank glanced at Connor. "You goin' with her?"

"Yes, Lieutenant."

The older man smirked. "Of course you are. Should've already known without asking." Leaving the scene, I drive back to the station with Connor by my side.

-Detroit Police Department-

I asked Captain Fowler for the case files and he gave them to me without a single question. With the manila folders in hand, I shuffle back to my desk and toss them on the cool surface. Connor took one and flipped through the information while I did the same.

After a couple of hours, Connor was able to find a single clue. "In each case, the victim was abducted in a public place. At the time of abduction, the victims had little or no defensive wounds on their body, implying that the victims knew or trusted the person that took them."

"What's your conclusion, Connor?" I inquire.

"Our suspect must be someone in the police force. A child would trust a man or woman with a badge."

"And it wouldn't be suspicious to see someone in uniform escorting a child," I added with a small gasp. I scramble for my phone and quickly call Hank, telling him of what we deduced from our hours of reading. "Tell Detective Shelby what we found out. It could help him create a list of possible suspects."

I hang up and toss my phone on top of the files. Sighing in relief, I flop into my chair. Connor eyed me closely. "Are you alright, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I might head home and get some rest. I didn't sleep well last night." I organized the files and placed them in my bag. "I'll see you tomorrow, Connor." I kissed the android on the cheek before leaving.

-At Home-

When I was finally in the comfort of my home, I took out the files and my laptop, setting them gently on the kitchen table. Searching through the myriads of profiles, I compared each one to the time of the disappearance of each boy. When I tried to pull up Shelby's file, I was blocked by an unknown firewall. It was the file Connor tried to hack into earlier. Though Scott was a private detective now, his file should be able to be accessed with ease.

I cross my arms, glaring at the screen. "Not even Connor could break this firewall." Then, an idea struck me. I jumped from my seat and ran into my bedroom. Searching my nightstand drawers, I was able to find the usb that had firewall coding in it. "Maybe I can use this to replace the current firewall with one that's easy to bypass."

Back in the kitchen, I was successful in recoding the firewall into a much simpler one and hacked in with ease. "Gotcha!" Opening the file, I compared the times of the disappearances with the times Shelby was supposedly on an investigation. When the first one matched, I gave the private investigator the benefit of the doubt. Then, the second and third murder matched his off-duty hours. "This isn't looking so good."

Finally, I check the last three murders. My eyes widened when I realized all the timeframes matched the moments when Shelby wasn't on duty. I shook my head and tried to push the negative comments away. I checked the next thing that could possibly link him to the murders and saw he took numerous of days off from work each day a boy was kidnapped. "It's him..."

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