Blue Chapter Nine

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I slowly walked to class, dreading every thought that passed in my head. What if everyone bombards me with questions? What if everyone thinks im gay-

What if everyone finds out im gay

I dont want to think about it. I walk into Chemistry as a video was being played. Students looked but nothing else.

You're just over thinking this

I took my seat and anxiously waited for it to end. The teacher came by and gave me a worksheet.

"You can see if another student will allow you to copy the rest of the answers afterwards" He quietly informed me, walking back to his desk.

This is not what I want right now, work after passing out and having my bestfriend protect me from Jacob Weasley. I tried to focus on the work but the answers passed by me.

Bestfriend. Dan is your bestfriend.

Ugh, stop thinking about Dan and start thinking about your work! You have work to do!

Dan protected me, he didn't have to.

Lois and Joe did too, they are all your friends Phil!

But Dan-

I let out a big breathe, come on Lester focus! If you get work done and pass, maybe you could have more time to focus on Dan!

My face burned.

I'm really falling for Howell, aren't I? I'm falling for my new best friend. Or have I always liked him, since the first time we met he had always been different.

"He kind of stepped forward as if he was going to do something but in the end he just walked off. I stared after him wanting to stop him, wanting to talk to him"

Dan is such a gray person in my blue world. Having him around made things-

"Want the rest of the notes?"

I turned to see a boy with the most prettiest eyes I think I have ever seen.
His eyes were green- no yellow- both? With a blue rim. Brown curly hair that sat gently on his forehead, a small comforting smile as he awaited an answer-

"O-oh right, um yes please. I'd appreciate if I may copy the rest of the notes" I said smiling back as he handed me his paper.

"Pj Ligouri?" I asked, seeing if I said his name right. "Yes, and you are Phil Lester" He said smiling.

"Yes, yes I am! How did you know?" I furrowed my brows together, but still held a smile. "Roll sheet, they always say your name before mine" Pj laughed.

I like this guy.

He started to explain the notes and what I missed, even reminded me to turn in work.

"-and Wednesday we have a test over the rest of the chart so I'd start studying cause it won't be easy" He said, taking his notes back after I placed them in front of him.

"Ugh, Chemistry needs to chill. Why couldn't it be a classic about plants! Oh we should study plants" I whined, putting everything up.

"It is National Plant Day after all" Pj and I said. We stared at each other in awe.

"You know that?" We exclaimed.
Covering our mouths, we pointed at one another. "Do you like plants?" I asked, all jokes aside.

"Well plants are amazing, but the only reason I know it's National Plant Day is because I have a calendar marking national days" Pj explained.

"Oh yeah, that explains it" I said nodding my head. "But that shouldn't stop the celebration, now should it? Go buy yourself a plant after school! Soil yourself" He said, nudging me.

"Haha, I see what you did there at the end. Soil instead of spoil, that's funny" I laughed. The bell went off and everyone got up.

"Well Phil, it was nice to properly meet you. Hope to talk to you more!" Pj said, waving goodbye as he walked out the classroom.

"Y-yeah! Nice talking!" I tried to yell after, but he was already long gone into the crowd.

And just like that, I was left alone in my blue blue world.

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