Grey Chapter Two

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After getting yelled at by the teacher I was released to my next class zince the bell rang. I slowly walked to class when I accidently bumped into someone.

The person fell but quickly got up and ran to the boys restroom. "Phi?" I questioned as I followed close behind. I entered hearing faint sobs from the last stall.

I walked over and knocked. "Phil?" I called out. "Phil isn't here....Leave a message after the rawr...Rawr" He said. His tone was sad and seemed sort of...weak.

"Phil" I said more demanded. "....yes" He quietly answered. "what's wrong" I asked. The stall door opened and Phil picked outside. "What happened?" I asked looking at him.

"......Nothing?" He said but questioned it. "Nothing?" I restated. ".....yes"

"So these tears are nothing" I said jestering towards them.


"Everyone tells me to disappear cause no one even likes me but what will hapen I was gone? Eho will that effect? What will happen with everyones lives? Will anyone care besides my dad?....Will YOU care that I'm gone and no longer here with no person to be there for you for your roughest times?" Phil said opening the stall more.

I had no words but to be scared myself. What if he is gone....What if I'm still here with no one....

Thus began Dan's existential crisis.....

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