Blue Chapter Eight

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I left homeroom for my pills. I walked into the office and told the nurses. I walked in and saw Jacob. "Oh hey Phil, let me finish with mister Jacob and I'll get your pills" The nurse said looking over Jacobs knee.

"O-ok" I said feeling my heart racing. My anxiety is going to kick in. The nurse left the room leaving me with Jacob. "What brings you here Lester?" Jacob asked giving me the dead eye.

"My anxiety pills..." I mumbled. "You have anxiety" He asked. "Since I was 12" I said. "I was skate boarding and hit a hole, scrapped my knee" Jacob explained as he tried to look. "Ok" I mumbled. "Lester, words going aroynd that you're dating a boy" He said. My heart dropped as I was speechless.

"So its true" He said. "N-no! Im-" Before I could finish my sentence the nurse came back in. "Here Phil, and Jacob I'll call your parents to let them know about the incident" She said handing me the pills with a cup of water.

I was shaking and the water felt heavy. I looked up at the nurse as she looked for Jacobs parents number. I looked down and held my pills. I stared at the pills as I felt dizzy. It was hard to breathe and I felt in shock. Who would have said Im dating someone? Im not dating anyone!

"Phil? Are you ok?" The nurse said. I looked up at her and shook my head. "Its ok Phil, take your pills. It'll help calm you down" She said pushing my hand towards my mouth. "Im not-" I started. I looked at Jacob as he stared at me, dead cold stare.

I looked at the ground and fell over.

                      ~Time Skip~

"Phil wake up"

I opened my eyes and saw the nurse standing there. "Are you alright?" She asked. "Yeah...Im fine" I said sitting up slightly. "You would have fell hard, but luckily you more of slid down against the wall" She said smiling softly.

"Yeah... What hour is it?" I asked. "A few minutes til lunch" She said walking away. I sat up completely and looked around. No Jacob in sight. "You can head to lunch or eat in here. What ever you choose" She said sitting up.

"Ill go eat lunch" I said throwing my legs off the bed. "Would you like me to help you walk?" The nurse asked looking at me. "No, I'm good. Thank you anyway" I said getting off. I make my way to the door and out the office.

I walk or more likely shuffle to lunch. I get half way down the hall before I dart for the back doors. I burst threw them, practically throwing myself. I stop with a rough force falling to my knees and hands. Im breathing heavily, trying to calm myself down.

"Phil what's wrong?" Joe asked. His shoes came up in front of me and his hand extended out when I looked up. "Oh... I-i just panicked about.... Missing lunch" I lied quickly. In reality I wanted to escape the thoughts of all the students around me. "Well come on, Dan and Lois is waiting" Joe said helping me up.

We got some food and sat with them, who were currently trying to throw carrots in the others mouth. "Yes! Thats four points for me, and one for you" Dan sang happily. I giggled at his action and sat down. "Hey guys! Oh my gosh Phil were have you been?! I haven't seen you since first!" Lois said quickly turning into mother mode.

"Oh yeah.... I just... I got caught up in....something" I lied and you can hear it in my voice. They all stared at me knowing there's more. "L-lets just eat" I said pushing it away. They all shrugged in agreement, but before I could even try to forget...

"Hey Phil"

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