Grey Chapter Eight

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"Hey Phil" said none other than Jacob Weasely, Phil's bully. Phil tensed up or practically froze with fear. "So about earlier in the nurses, I didn't get a full answer from you" Jacob said leaning over him. "Answer for what?" Lois asked unamused.

Completely ignoring Lois he asked"Is it him?" As he pointed to Joe. "No" Phil answered softly. "Then its him" Jacob said motioning to me. "No" Phil repeated. "Fine! Be stubborn!" Jacob yelled, slamming his fist into the table.

"Who's all dating here?" Jacob asked aloud to the table. He got four replies, two yes's and two no's. "Im dating Joe" Lois said, Joe nodding to confirm it. "And you two no one?" Jacob asked towards Phil and I. "Im dating no-"

"We're dating no one Jacob, now leave" Phil snapped. We were all thrown back, even Jacob himself. He immediately filled with rage, grabbing Phil by his collar and throwing him back.

"So you want to play tuff?" Jacob asked. We all quickly got up to help, but Jacobs minions held us by our arms. "Cmon faggot! Get up and fight me!" Jacob yelled. A small crowd started to form as I struggled to help Phil.

He sat up and looked at Jacob with....disappointment. Jacob brushed it over and kicked Phil right into his side. I screamed as many forbidden words as possible as I thrashed in the minions arms. Phil hunched over holding his side.

Jacob kicked him again and again and again. It seemed to never get old to him. I was able to free myself, and I threw myself right into Jacob. I didn't hold back either. I punched him with all the force I had in me. "Daniel Howell! Get off that student immediately!" yelled a near by teacher.

I could here his feet stomping towards me as I disobeyed his order. "Dan stop" Phil said softly as I felt him slightly pull on my body. I got off of Jacob as the teacher reached me. He told me to go to the office, along with Phil. He helped Jacob up and towards the nurse.

We sat down as they walked passed us, Jacob giving us a death stare. "I expect this from you Howell, but Phil? Youre one of the nicest boys I know" Principle Ruin said. Phil hung his head in shame. "It wasn't his fault! Jacob started it, Phil didn't even hit him once!" I said quickly defending him.

"And what happened to Jacob? That was all you Daniel?" He asked. "It was all me, Phil didn't do anything. So he shouldn't be punished" I said hopefully. "Lester, you're a good kid. I don't want you to be in any trouble for something you didn't do. But I have to ask, What happened?" Principle Ruin asked focusing on Phil.

"I told Jacob to basically leave so he pulled me off my chair and started kicking me. Then Dan jumped in and started punching Jacob" Phil answered softly. "....Lester if you want you may call your dad to pick you up or stay here. Howell, you have two weeks of detention. Jacob shall have three" He said.

We nodded with small oks. He sent Phil to class since he wanted to stay while I waited for my parents to arrive. Joy....

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