Blue Chapter Six

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I looked at Dan as he stood star struck. "I uh- but... I... Hey?" Dan said stumbling over his words. "No hey Dan" I said you shouldn't be smoking no more! It's bad for you" I said.

"Yeah, but-"

"But nothing Dan! This can kill you and will do damage to you" I said interrupting him. "Why should you even care?! Just because we know each other doesn't make you my mom!" Dan shot.

"Ohhh" Joe, Lois boyfriend said. Lois gave Joe a look and he backed off.  "You're right I'm not your mom....but I'm a friend to you ain't I? And as I friend I would do this for you cause I know a friend would do the same" I said. 

I closed the car door and walked to the front of Lois and Joe's home as Lois followed.  Lois and I are suppose to be working on a project for history but after this I just want to cry.

"Dan, I'm sorry but if you are still gonna continue... You can't come to me for them. I can't buy you no more I'm sorry" Joe said quickly before joining us.  I looked back and saw Dan still trying to process what had happened.

He went and took off.  I walked inside and immediately broke into tears. "Phil, don't cry" Lois said giving me a hug. "I'm scared for him" I sobbed. "I know, we all are" Lois said to resure me.

"Look, stop crying so we can make cookies and plan for our project. And as for you Joe! You shall do the honors of finding Dan and try to at least get him to try to stop" Lois said making Joe jump.

"On it" I said grabbing his keys and leaving. "Let's make cookies" She said pulling me into the kitchen.

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