Grey Chapter Four

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We sat down watching the movie; Avatar. I sat at the foot of the bed while Phil layed down. "I love this movie" I said looking at him. "You do?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah, Its real cool to me and I admire it....In a weird way huh" I laughed. He laughed lightly. "Why did you come here?" He asked. I froze and just sat there. I bit my lip before looking at him.

"My parents tend to fight, I wasnt going to stay so I decided to look for your place after asking my dad when my mom stormed out the house" I said watching the movie.

"Dan...You ok?" Phil asked pausing the movie. "Dont pause it!" I said taking the remote and starting it again. "Dan, Does your parents fighting hurt?" Phil asked.

I ignored him and continue to watch the movie. "Dan, what's wrong!?" Phil asked taking the remote and pausing it. "I don't want to talk about it!" I said raising my voice.

I took the remote but he fought back for it and we started yrlling for the remote. "JUST TELL ME WHATS WRONG" Phil screamed.

"I HATE MY LIFE AND I JUST WANT TO DIE" I screamed letting the remote go and Phil falling back. He groaned as foot steps ran up the stairs outside his door.

I looked at Phil as my eyes watered. "PHIL" My attention went to his door as, who I belive is hid dad, banged on the door. I looked at Phil who was starting to get back up.

"I-..I'm sorry" I cried. "Wait Dan" Phil reached to me but I quickly turned to the window and climbed out. "Dan!" Phil yelled I made my way back to the tree and down.

"Dan Wait" Phil yelled as I heared his front door close shut. His yells got quieter and quieter the farther I ran. I jumped over our fence and to the door. I ran inside and to my room.

My dad came up the stairs after me and was calling my name. I slammed to door shut and locked it. "Dan? Dan what happened?" My dad asked as he knocked on the door.

"Dan, What happened at your friends" He asked again. I couldn't help but cry in my legs as I sat on the floor. "Dan, Let me in please" My dad asked softly.

I calmed down and relaxed still some what sobbing. "Dan...Let-" My dads voice was cut off by my mom walking in yelling. My dad walked away and they were now both yelling.

I got up and went to the bed and layed down. Their yelling got quiet and was now soft whispers. They have never got this quiet before...."Dan, Baby boy you ok?" My mom asked as she knocked on the door.

I sighed out refusing to answer. "Daniel please talk to me" She said slightly louder. "I'm just tired" I said. They whispered to each other again before I heard their footsteps walk away.

I need to stop pushing everyone away...

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