Grey Chapter Five

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I didn't go to school today and my parents seemed fine with it. They didn't push for me to go nor did the push for me to say what had upset me last night.

I'm not gonna lie, I did over react at Phil's force to answer him. I just-....I'm not even sure anymore. I got up and got changed. I got dressed in a white shirt, grey sweater, black jeans, black convers, and I grabbed my wallet plus phone.

I opened the door and looked out and saw my mom down stairs. I sighed and grabbed backpack. When my parents arent together they aren't fighting, but my mom goes into full mom mode when its just us.

I walked down the stairs hoping to get down and leave. Didnt work. "Oh, Dan how are you today?" She asked quickly getting up. "Fine, just going to school" I lied quickly. "I can take you if you want" my mom suggested hopefully.

"I'm good, I'm taking my bike" I said walking out the house. "Lets a go~" I said grabbing my bike and taking off.

"Lets see...Navy....Chord.....Zeal.....Here we go, Oak Road" I said turninh down the road. I pettled down the road, dodging cars. I hummed to myself as I pulled into a blue houses driveway.

I layed my bike down and jogged to the door. I approached the door as it opened. "Oh...Hey Daniel" Joe Sugg, my friend I met a few years ago, said surprised by my sudden presents.

"Hey, Do you have a pack?..." I asked smiling innocently. "Dan...Louis tells me I have to stop giving up them..." Joe said sadly. "Joe, please! Imma run out soon and I need some" I begged. "...You're lucky Louis is in school still...If she gets her work down early today I'm dead" Joe said shaking his head as he motioned me to follow him to the car.

I cheered to myself as I got in the passenger chair. "Louis is gonna kill me..." He warned looking at me. "She can kill me after you grt me the cigarettes" I said happily. He shook his head and drove.


"Imma smell like smoke...Louis will know..." Joe complained as we sat outside his house. "It'll be fine! She wont get back till later right? So you're fine" I said lighting a new one right after the other ended.

I car drove into the driveway and I put the cigarette out quickly as Joe mumbled under his breathe. We both got up as Louis got out obviously upset.

"I told you to stop buying him those!" She said. "I couldn't help it! Louis I'm truly sorry! I just wanted to help-"

"Help him how Joe! If you didn't buy him some more you would be helping" Louis said. "Look Louis, get upset at me. I begged him to buy me more" I said getting into it.

"This needs to stop"

My attention went to the blacked haired boy with a blue tie. "Phil" I said feeling my color drain.

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