꒰ Chapter 23: "Limerence " Part One ꒱

Start from the beginning

As I was lazing on the sofa, taking my sweet time and just skimming through Instagram, I heard footsteps walking towards the entrance of the garden. You see, one of the good thing about the hangout spot having grass is that you could hear the footsteps easily and differentiate the gender or who it is by just hearing it if you have good ears.

Judging from the weight of the person's step, I know that it is a female coming in, but the only girl that is allowed in here is my trio. I'm here, Lisa is getting treatment, Jennie is nowhere to be found so I don't think it's her, so who is it?

I sat up straight and waited for the person to step in. What embraced me was a familiar face that I would never forget. Minsue, right... How can I forget that girl, the cause of everything? She was the one why Tao and J hope ended like that, Lisa's wounds and of course Jennie's disappearance.

She walked in so casually and dropped her car keys on the key box that was right at the entrance. After entering the garden without looking; showing that she was so used to this place. She didn't raise her head, her hands and eyes were glued to her phone, busy texting. As soon as she finished and kept her phone on her lap, she looked up and saw me.

I could see the confusion on her face, she was confused to see a girl, especially a nerdy yet normal looking girl like me just casually sitting in the holy place of the school yet something in her tells her that she saw me before.

Curious about her reaction, I took off all my nerdy props and threw it on the table beside me. As the glass reflected the sunlight it added an extra touch on my self; the sunlight made my dark-colored hair shine with a hint of brown and sparkles in my eyes.

She stood there quietly trying to recall where we've met as I remain seated on the couch minding my own business, eating the holy cake. Her eyes instantly widened in a sudden showing disgust on her face.

"What are you doing here?" She deepens her voice showing total unwelcomeness.

I continued sitting on my sofa, eating the cake from the tea-fork and I answered her with a sweet smile.

"For the cake of course!"

"You... I know you, I saw you at the airport with Jimmy! You're that girl! That evil witch that kept Jimmy from me. Tell me, where did you hide him? I texted him so many times and he still hasn't replied! What did you do to him?" She started to raise her voice, not even making the effort to even cover her shades towards me.

Thinking about how I could play with her I smirk. Not too big but small enough to show that my interest was up, she seems fun to play with.

"Hmm, I don't know. I didn't do anything to him nor hid him from you. Are you sure he isn't just running away from you?" I didn't budge and sat comfortably, putting aside a strand of my hair.

"That's impossible, Jimmy and I are meant together. We were in love." She shouted out so persuasively as if she was trying to convince herself.

"Oh really? Cause from what I know, Jimmy isn't even his real name! What kind of a man would lie about their name to their only 'meant to be' ?"
As I spoke, she broke down mentally, her hands were wrapped around her ear, trying to prevent herself from listening to what I was saying. The scenario right then was pathetic, even though she was standing and I was sitting, anyone could see that I was looking down on her.

Enjoying this moment, I savored my cake to the very last bite. Elegantly, I took a napkin and gently wiped my lips and stood up.

"Since I pity you right now, I will kind-heartedly tell you something. You see... I didn't go to him. He. Came. For. Me~" I whispered the words one by one to her ears.

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