꒰ Chapter 22: "His Girlfriend" Part One꒱

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Yugyeom's POV

My head still hurts from yesterday, I shouldn't have drunk that much but I really did have a very weird dream. I actually dreamt about Q! Maybe I really did miss the times we were together since it was a relaxing occasion.

"Young prince!! You have finally awakened. The king and queen were very worried about you." One of the maids that would usually look after me came in and was shocked.

"Why would the king and queen be worried?" I asked.

"Young prince, you were found lying on the front gate last night. You were so drunk that we couldn't even wake your highness up. The queen was concerned and thought that you may have consumed some type of drug that had hypnotized you to sleep. I am here to check up on your highness, but thankfully you seem to be fine." She bows down and vocalized her voice loud enough for me to hear as she didn't dare to look once into my eyes as her body was slightly trembling.

I don't remember going out last night.. all I remember is that I drank until I couldn't take anymore and then went back to my room.

Anyways, I should go back to school. It's a mess right now, and if I don't go something might happen again.

I quickly got ready and went to school after greeting my royal family.

"Jungkook!" I shouted out for him who was standing near the entrance.

"Yo man, I dreamt about the weirdest dream last night!" As soon as I got close to him, I tackled him by jumping on him and hanging my arms around his neck.

"Is that so? What is this dream that you are talking about?" He overcame my attack and turns his body frame to me.

Strangely enough, just when I was gonna talk about it. It slipped out my mind and I couldn't recall a thing.

"So? Don't leave me hanging! What was it?" He grew impatient.

"I...don't remember"

"Psh, tell me when you know it. Wasting my time.." He mumbled the last sentence.

I scratched my forehead out of embarrassment as we walked into the garden together, only to be welcomed by all the others crowding around something. Jungkook and I looked at each other and then looked back at the crowd. Did something bad happen again? We had a worried look painted on our faces as we rushed in to see what happened by asking the closest person beside us. We pulled him out of the crowd even though the guy didn't have enough time to fully react and turn around properly.

"Hyung, what happened?" I ask Baekyun which happened to be the guy.

He struggled to turn around because my hand was still holding on him, so when I let go he turned around with a delighted face which got me a little confused.

"Q finally came back!" His eyes lighted up, and a wide smile began to appear on the corners of his lips.

"After such a long week, good news has finally arrived..." His face softens as he reposed.

Jungkook which was by my side had heard the good news and ran towards Q straight away like a tornado.


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