꒰ Chapter 16: "Rumours" Part Three ꒱

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Minsue's POV


A notification rang from my phone when I was talking with a bunch dumbass and poor peasants which think I actually care about them.

'Eomma sent a photo.'

Auth J- Eomma is a korean way of calling 'mummy'

I clicked on the photo and what came up, was an engagement contract.

I clicked on the photo and what came up, was an engagement contract

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I left the bulk of throng impulsively with no struck of dilemma. All the contract gave me is the feeling of being astounded, and poets of empty, speechless words I could say like a monologue. Hence my first move is to call that 'someone' for the perfect answer, to fill in my blank spaces-The blank spaces to my question. I quickly ran to the toilet, closing the door behind me, I looked around know if there was anyone. My fingers tapped quickly across the screen, finally landing on a contact that was labeled as 'unknown number'.

"Doo...Do..do..ceh.Oh honey, did you see what I sent you?", an old and fragile, yet sweet voice serenade the line.

"Eomma, this wasn't in the agreement you talked about.I don't like the idea of me getting married to that guy with sharp facial features and jolly personality, and that crazy, obsessed passion for dance.Ugh!!! and didn't I tell you that you are not allowed to use this phone line when you want to talk about the plan?!" I whispered, covering my mouth but still frustratingly, trying not to let anyone get a clue up on the topic I was talking about.

"Oh! Is this not the other phone?Clumsy me, maybe next time I won't kekeke.. and don't worry about this engagement, it won't be official, yet.The Jung family and I have already discussed. The wedding would happen, only after you two graduate.It is going just as planned so you just stay back and relax.Eomma got this handled."

"You better be!! I do not want your careless mistake to demoralize my flamboyant future.I still want to get married to my Jimmy." Unintentionally I bit my fingernails out of habit.

"What? Who the heck is Jimmy? You have some explaining to do young lady.I didn't raise you up to get married to someone that has an unknown background.Y-"with all that annoying ahjummah high-pitch voice, I hanged up and left the toilet.


"That would be 1000000won/1204 AuD. Thank you." The old canteen lady tapped on the screen and informed me the price of the food.

I took out my student card and tapped it on the 'fast pay' machine.

>>'Fast pay' machine- It is a technology machine Suga and Zico invented.It holds everything that involves the owner's information.Therefore helping the school because all documents of the owner are present(allergy, age, background ect.)You could also save money and use it like a credit card (Pay pass).It has a tracker and a map of the school+world.If only we have that in our real life...

--I lifted my tray of food from the counter table and carefully walked towards Lisa and Jennie that was keeping a sit for me.

"What took you so long?We've been waiting for ages."Jennie whined, resting her head on one side of her hand.

"Sorry, the line was too long."I apologized and sat down comfortably.

"Hey guys, could we eat at our usual place next time? People are giving us dirty looks...again," No curves of mirth were flourished in the line of Lisa's lips. She was only concerned of what the outsider was thinking.

I gape my focus around and realized that everyone's attention was on us, with all kinds of looks.Some were jealous and some were disgusted.They whispered among themselves, dispatching out an uncomfortable vibe.

Leisurely, a prey like presence sneakily soothed its way in. Gradually, my attentive nature hinted that I know her somehow. I can't recall exactly who it is, but something about her just intrigues me... It was rather odd cause Jin would never miss out a single person, and I highly doubt that I am starting to lose my memories.Driven by curiosity, I decided to ask one of the girls.

"Hey, Jennie, who is that girl that just came out from the restroom?I haven't seen her since I came to school."I strike my question, waiting for the answer to be filled.

"Her? How can you not know her?? Everyone's aware of her.She is like the idol in this school.Loved and adored by everyone in this school which of course includes the Kingkas."Jennie gave Q her awaiting answer, and surprisingly,

"Even the kingkas?! That's strange, I thought there was a rule about not getting close to the kingkas."I doubted, not really convinced in anyway.

"Well, there is a rule like that, but it doesn't work on Minsue because she is really kind.Even though she is from a rich family, she would take good care of us 'scholarships'.Not to mention, she is topped in studies and all outdoor activities(golf, horse riding etc.Something like P.E. Those are compulsory in the school)" Jennie explained enviously.

"You know what, I heard a rumour saying, she didn't get close with the kingkas because of that accident, but because she was childhood friends with the kingkas," Her eyes shifted to V,

Accident? What accident? Jin did not put this in the file.Looks like I have to ask...

Jin out of the drama set-"Well, ExcUsE Me! If I did write down all accidents that happen in this school, it won't be a report it would be a huge ass story!Do you know what kind of school this is? Issa a royal school, where politics and drama occur.You- mmhh." Q and V covered his mouth and pull him out of the set.

I cleared my throat and opened my mouth but as soon as I was about to ask, Lisa took the snatch and cut in.

aUths- HEYA

Agent Q ⇝ Bts x Exo / Exo x BtsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin