꒰ Chapter 18: "Devious" Part Two ꒱

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"Are we there yet?"Jackson whines.

We've been walking for a solid 20 minutes and there is still no sign of my purse. The arrow on my tracker has been showing us the same place and we've been walking circles for quite a while.

"You have reached your destination. " The tracker said for the Nth time.

"Nuna, do you think this tracker has some problem?" Daniel looks around the place which we have been walking for three times.

It was not a pleasant place to be in for normal people. It was a deserted place. There was no sign of living things and the only living thing we come across was a mountain, which was surrounded by the electrical fence.

"Shouldn't be... I asked Zico and Suga to check it and they said that it should be perfectly fine."I said with a troubled look.

"Maybe this was a bad idea, let's turn and go back, I don't even know why we are here..."Jackson mumbles as he kicks the sign that was near him.

"Cluck!" the signboard made a sound as Jackson kicks it out of frustration.

"Cluck?" I heard.

"A signboard shouldn't make that sound when we kick it." I walk towards the signboard and investigate.

Both Jackson and Daniel didn't know what was going on. They couldn't help so they stood at the side and waited.

After a while, I realize that the metal poll is connected to the ground and that we are stepping on the concreted metallic ground all this time. There was some line on the floor that formed a rectangle door but I couldn't do anything to it since it was covered by the soil and grass.I looked towards those guys and smiled.

"Hey, guys! Come here, I found our way in." I shout out. They walked towards me to check what's going on.

"What's up Q?"Jackson/ Daniel said.

"I know why the tracker has been showing us the same way all this time! It's because there is a secret pathway under this signboard. We just need to push it anti-clockwise and the gate would open." I said as I push the sign.

The concrete floor shooked and a rectangle-like-door popped out. It wasn't obvious, it just popped out slightly, just enough for us to see where the secret door was.

 It wasn't obvious, it just popped out slightly, just enough for us to see where the secret door was

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

We swiped all the remaining leaves that were on the door and opened the lid. Sounds of rusted metal butt hinge squeaked through the whole time as we lift the lid open.

We looked at each other and smiled."Fun is about to happen." We said even without realizing as we jumped into the secret pathway and search for my purse.

Woozi's POV

"IC...Passport...backary name cards...blabla.WTF why are there so many important stuff in here? There is quite a sum of money in there, but why are there so many things that are so hard to get rid of...? Maybe I should use these items and sell it to the black market so I could get some more extra cash and help Mingyu out." I said my thoughts out loud as I counted the amount of money that I have at the moment.

Agent Q ⇝ Bts x Exo / Exo x BtsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang