꒰ Chapter 21: "Dainty" Part Two ꒱

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I got into my car and drove to Lisa's house. I couldn't think straight. This is not like me, I won't visit anyone I know if it's not connected to the mission. Even when the person is sick and lying on the bed... if this happened in the past, I wouldn't have made any un necessary moves like today.

Guess because of these few days of 'holiday' I have changed up a bit or maybe I started to form a special bond with her without me knowing. The corner of my lips curled up by a little without realizing.

I soon reached Lisa's house, seeing Yugyeom hanging around Lisa's front gate, hesitating to ring the doorbell.

I soon reached Lisa's house, seeing Yugyeom hanging around Lisa's front gate, hesitating to ring the doorbell

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"What are you doing here?" I walk up to him as I cross my arms. My tone wasn't full of unwelcome, just confusion.

"Q?? You're back! Lisa... It's my fault, I couldn't protect her-" There's so much in his mind that he can't even say a complete sentence, all of his thoughts have just flowed out like a waterfall, he couldn't control his slightly quivering lips.

"Calm down Yugyeom, what happened when I was gone? How is Lisa's condition? Why aren't you going in?" As I assail Yugyeom with questions, he was in seldom shock that I was so serious about this. The Q that he knew was always bubbly and never serious, even in a life and death situation she would still playfully laugh it out and think of the strangest way to escape even though there's an easier way out. Even so, he didn't think much, he was focused on Lisa. Only.

"I- I don't know, after you left, some stuff happened and it got out of hand. I didn't know what to do, and when we realized, it was too late."He ruffled his hair in frustration and started to panic again.

"Q? Is that you?" The same sentence was said. I face towards the other side and saw Lisa's mother holding a bag of waste. (Lisa's background was checked so Q know who Lisa's parent was)

I was surprised that she knew my name or even recognized me. I kept quiet and greeted her by nodding my head slightly. I turned around and Yugyeom was nowhere to be seen.

"Lisa told me so much about you, she has shown me all types of pictures she took with you, she had so much fun when she was in school... I don't know why is she like that right now..." Lisa's mother started crying harder and harder as tears broke free.

"Let's get in, it's cold out here. We'll talk inside." I escort her into the house took a glimpse of where Yugyeoms' standing, thinking if I should actually get in.

I stepped into the house and smelled heavy scent of disinfectant. I could see Lisa's body, unconscious on the bed with drips connected to her arms from the other side of the room. Lisa's house wasn't big but it was cozy. She was supposed to be in the hospital but because of the connections her parent have, she could be treated at home( Lisa's parent owns a clinic).

I took a few steps closer and saw her condition. Her face was ruin beyond recognizable with a body tightly wrapped around her body which was full of pen knife cut-scars, some new and some old.

"Lisa was such a nice child, she always helps out when she could and tries not to cause any trouble. But because she doesn't want to cause trouble for us, she ended up like this." Lisa's mother held her tears in,

I had a small talk with Lisa's mom and checked Lisa up. I greeted them goodbye and left the house. Yugyeom was still outside, it seems that he was waiting for me.

"You didn't go in," I said..

"Didn't have the guts to, even though you gave me a chance to get in. The pathetic me still couldn't step a foot in her house. What kind of 'friend' am I." He laughed at himself, shaking his head in disappointment.

"What happened while I was gone? It hasn't even been two weeks!!!" I raise my voice slightly.

"Ha! that's right, not even two weeks. It was just a short time since you were gone but why... it seems like you were gone for two years! I don't know... It's a bit complicated. Everything is getting out of hand. First Jhope then Minsue, now even Lisa. I'm a little tired, I don't know!!!" He weakly collapses on the floor and starts complaining.

Minsue? Her again? What happened to Jhope? What possibly happened in this short period of time?

First old man Yoon, then uncle 4 3799..., Daniel, now Lisa and Jhope? Such a "relaxing" holiday it is.

"Where's your house? You don't seem to have your driver with you, you walked here?" I examine the soulless man lying against the wall.

"Yah, my parents won't allow me to wander around places like this so I sneaked out." He closed his eyes for a brief moment before opening them again,

'places like this'huh...

"Anyways, it's late now and I don't think you could go home without a driver in this condition. You're reek of alcohol." I didn't realize this beforehand as I was too focused on Lisa, but now that she seems ok, I noticed how messed up Yugyeom was since before.

I brought him to the car that I parked in the corner and planned to cover his eyes with the mask that I left from my last mission, but judging from the condition Yugyeom is in right now, I don't think that is needed. I'm going to just spray the memory reduce in the end anyway.

Strange enough, as soon as he was placed in the car, he fell sound asleep. Must be because of all those stress he has. But even if he was drunk, he still has a tight mouth. I tried to obtain some information on what happened in school while I was gone from his mouth but he just kept on skipping it.

"Q... Lisa would be ok right?" he mutters in his sleep, completely ignoring my question.

"She would," I smile and spray the memory reduction mist on his face as I slowly watch his vision go blur.

Looks like I have to go back to see what's going on. Let's see for what reason Lisa is this hurt.

to be continued🌸

mist spray:

- useful tool made by Q with Suga's help.

-it has a memory loss effect.

-good for agent's when they wanna wrap up their mission or when they need to correct their mistakes.

Side effect: there's a chance that they might recover their memory if the sprays' effect isn't strong enough. Even the strongest mist spray would expire and would weaken. There is a range of different sprays because different people have a different reaction to it. Hence, why there are strong and weak most sprays.

> A/J-Sorry, I know that this is a boring ep. will try to get this faster and more interesting and happy new year!!!!

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