Chap-36 Distance

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Mom- Here you go

Ni- Thanks mom

Mom- I'm so happy you came. It's been so long, your dad and I were waiting for you to come here. Here take more

Ni- Mom, mom, enough already

Mom- Eat up baby, you've become so thin

Ni- say something

Dad- What do I say, she's right

Mom- See

Ni- Guys, stop it

Everyone starts laughing and continue to enjoy their food. 

Back in the hospital,

Nur- Your medicines

Sid- Thank you

Riddhima came to visit me after a few minutes. She looked a little worried,

Sid- Are you okay?

Ri- Did you take your medicines?

Sid- I did, why?

Ri- Oh, just...

Sid- You got her message again?

Ri- Yeah but how did you know?

Sid- How many times have you asked me this question before?

Ri- Not even once after she left

Sid- That's it...I guessed it

Ri- Actually, why don't you see it yourself?

He read her message and sadly smiled. It must be the first time I saw him this upset in Niki's absence. I felt happy somewhere beneath my heart. Maybe he finally started to realize his love for her,

Sid- That idiot, why is she doing this? I have the right to trouble her, but she doesn't have the right to disappear like that

Ri- Sid, grow up

Sid- What Riddhima, she is the one who should grow up...I'm going crazy here

Ri- Calm down Sid, she'll come back, I know that...she'll be back

I placed my hand on his hand, he looked at me hopefully. I left him to go to sleep.

Ri- Goodnight, call me if you need anything

Sid- Yeah, thanks

She was about to leave the room when,

Sid- Riddhima...

Ri- Huh???

Sid- Thanks for everything

Ri- We are still friends Sid, and friends stay together in both ups and downs

Sid- I know, goodnight

Ri- Goodnight...

She left the room and Sid lied down on the bed comfortably. She went to give the medicines to Armaan,

Ar- Ahh...

Ri- What is it Armaan?

Ar- My head, it's aching

Ri- Eat the medicines, if it's something serious should I call the doctor?

The tension was all over her face. She panicked and was about to leave hurriedly,

Ri- I'll be back...

Ar- Riddhima

He grabbed my hand and I looked around worriedly,

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