Chap-33 STORM

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Sid- What do you think I can never tell her?

Armaan gets up and punches him back.

Ar- If you could, then you would've known that she doesn't love you

Sid- I didn't force her to love me like you have

Sid was about to punch him again but Armaan blocked his punch. They were giving each other rageful and deadly glances. They looked at each for a while when he lets go of his hand and punches his stomach. He manages to stand after taking his blow and kicks on Armaan's chest.

Ni- Riddhima please stop crying

Ri- What do I do Niki? I just can't believe he can hurt me again

Ni- Riddhima, did you talk to Armaan about it?

Ri- What do you mean?

Ni- I mean did you try to figure out if that girl was telling the truth?

Ri- Why would she lie?


Bi- You piece of crap, I told you to keep your daughter in control. She has crossed all her limits

So- I haven't, uncle, I'm still his fiancee

Bi- Shut up!!! Only if you wear that ring of yours, doesn't mean that you're still engaged

So- Uncle

Bi- Shut up!!! If you don't stop this nonsense at once, I'm going to make sure that you don't get out of jail

So- I need money, my father can't afford the amount for it

Man- Sir, I'm really sorry, please forgive us this one time

Bi- Shut your bloody mouths. If I had known both you and your daughter are such low-class people, I would've never even thought about getting my son married to you. I think 2 years in the jail wasn't sufficient for her, she needs more

Man- No sir, please, we are leaving

Bi- Security throw them outta here right now and see that they don't come around here anymore

Armaan and Sid beat up each other until both get bloodied up. Niki tries talking Riddhima when she sees out of the window,

Ni- Siddhant...[she screams]

Ri- Niki

Ni- Riddhima...both of them are fighting

Ri- What???...[shockingly] 

Ar- You can never understand my love for her

Sid- You can only hurt her, I can protect her

They keep beating each other. Armaan kicks on his hands so badly that he falls on the ground,

Ar- She only thinks of you as a friend...ahh...[moans]

Sid- Ahh...ahh...ahh...[he moans in pain]

By the time Niki and Riddhima reach downstairs, both of lie on the ground badly injured. Both the girls panic and run to them.

Ni- Siddhant...[cries]

Sid- Ahh...[moans]

Ni- Siddhant...god, how did this happen

Ri- Armaan...armaan, why are you here?

Ar- I need to tell you everything...ahh...[moans]  

Ni- [cries]...Riddhima call the ambulance please, he's bleeding badly

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