Chap-13 Paradise lost

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Ar- Ri...riddhima...why are you here?

Ri- I was waiting for Sid and Niki...Armaan...what were you and Di talking about?

Ar- Riddhima about that...

Ri- Armaan, I heard everything. Tell me the truth... whatever you did till now, whatever happened between us...was all of this just a challenge?

Ar- Riddhima...please let me explain

Ri- Yes or no Armaan?

Ar- Riddhima...

Ri- Yes or no?

Ar- Yes. This was supposed to be a challenge but whatever I said wasn't a lie Riddhima...Riddhima listen to's true that this was a challenge but I really love you Riddhima

Riddhima felt like her world turned upside down. She had trusted someone even though she didn't want to. Tears started rolling down her eyes. She couldn't handle Armaan's lie

Ar- Riddhima...riddhima...

Ri- Please leave me alone did what you had to...leave me alone, please...

She ran away from there unable to control her feelings.

Ar- Riddhima...riddhima...please stop riddhima 

Niki and Sid had come by that time. She saw Riddhima running from there and saw Armaan chasing after her.

Ni- Sid wait here I'll follow guys wait here

Anjali came down hearing all the noise. 

Sid- What's going on here? Why are you here at this hour?

Ar- I don't feel it's important to answer you right now

Sid caught Armaan by his collar angrily and pulled him

Sid- Riddhima was crying...and I know it must have been because of you...what happened here tell me

An- Armaan, Sid...stop it, you guys. Armaan...stop. Tell me what happened

Ar- Anji, Riddhima...she knows everything about the bet

An- What?

Ar- Yeah...

Niki followed her till the down of the street,

Ni- Riddhima...what happened riddhima?

Ri- [CRIES]...Niki...niki...

She hugs her while crying. Niki tries to calm her, but she wouldn't stop crying.

Ni- Riddhima...Riddhima...please calm down...stop crying, babe...stop 

Ri- [Cries]...Niki...I really thought he likes me. I knew it must be fake...but believe me...I felt like I could trust him...I was...I was so stupid...I'm so dumb Niki...I'm so dumb

Ni- No,'s not your fault...shh...please calm down

She continues to cry on Niki's shoulders

Sid- What bet? Someone tell me what's going on?

An- Sid, our friends challenged Armaan to make Riddhima fall for her

Sid- What? And you accepted it?

Ar- I...I did, but now she's more than a bet for me

Sid pulled him by his collar again

Sid- I can't believe that boys like you exist. Playing with the feelings of someone, shame on you Armaan. Did you think that Riddhima was one of your toys huh?

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