Chap-38 Loving You

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I didn't want to see him at that moment, but he was standing just behind me. I heard his footsteps moving towards me. 

Sid- I'm asking you something

I turned back and saw him nervously. His hand was still bandaged and so was his head. He still had the bruises on his face,

Ni-Oh, um...yeah I couldn't open it because of my bag

Sid- Lemme do it

He gently took the keys from me and unlocked the door. Both of us went inside,

I was trying to feel the warmth of my apartment, the same old smell, and the same old rooms. How could I leave this apartment which made me feel at home in this unknown city

Sid- You seem to miss it, right?

Ni- Yeah...[why is he behaving like that, I expected him to ask so many questions but he's so...calm]

I'll, I'll go to the room. I need to get my stuff

I rushed to the room without looking into his eyes. I was breathing hard trying to figure out what was wrong with him when,

Sid- Why did you leave like that?

I turned around and found tears in his eyes,

Ni- Sid you...

Sid- Why did you leave like that?

He kept walking towards me and cornered me,

Sid- Tell me...why...

Ni- Sid...I...I...actually

Sid- Did you even think once before leaving me...did you?

Ni- Sid I

Sid- Didn't you say you love me? Didn't you say it that night?

Ni- Si...Sid...I

Sid- I remember everything. How you've always been sticking around me in every situation since we were kids. How I felt pain when you were hurt, how I laughed when you laughed, how I cried when you cried. And now, you left me when I needed you the most...why, why

Ni- Because you didn't need me anymore...

I couldn't hold back my tears anymore.

Ni- You were changed. I wasn't your priority didn't see me when I needed were changed, your feelings, your importance for me everything. 

Sid- Niki...

Ni- How much more should I long should I pretend that I don't care about what's happening. I can't fight with my feelings anymore Sid...I can't, I want to leave...

I broke in front of him. I fell on the ground crying. All the pain of all these years was finally revealed in front of him. 

Sid- Niki...I'm sorry

He embraced me with his hand tightly. His embrace made me feel comfortable but I couldn't stop crying...

Ni- I love you...[sobs]...I love you...[sobs]...I love you

Sid- I love you too

I was shocked when I heard his words. I felt like I heard him wrong,

Ni- Huh!!!

Sid- I love you, Niki...I love you

He said wiping off my tears and cupped my face. I couldn't believe my ears, he...he was finally mine. My feelings were reciprocated at last. My happiness had no limits. I said in happiness,

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