Chap-14 I Love Her

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Bi- What? Just do what you can to get her

Ar- You seriously think it's gonna work

Bi- I'm sure

Ar- Oh! Dad what happened to that project that we were discussing before I came

Bi- Yeah, Adi has explained me about everything. He has prepared the list of the people from that company who are capable to handle this project

Ar- Good I'll take a look at that 

Bi- Armaan, can we get into the party mood now

Ar- Yes's the girl's Mehendi ceremony tonight

Bi- Oh! Then what do the boys plan on doing?

Ar- Let's see...sneak on the girls

Bi- Girls or Riddhima?

Ar- Dad...

Bi- Ok ok...enjoy your time

In the meantime, all the girls were getting prepared for the ceremony

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In the meantime, all the girls were getting prepared for the ceremony.

Ri- Di, Niki...where are you?

I heard Riddhima's voice and came upstairs

Ar- What is it Riddhima?

Ri- Nothing...I'm...I'm going downstairs

Ar- Riddhima...about last night

Ri- Armaan, I can't talk right now

Ar- Riddhima

She went down without even listening to him. Armaan was expecting this type of behavior but still, he felt bad. The girls had gathered in the room just beside the drawing room. Armaan was roaming searching for Rahul. When he found him he went up to him and he told

Ra- Armaan, where have you been?

Ar- I was searching for you, why is he here?...[said looking at Sid]

Sid- Obviously, because you guys are here

Ar- We are here to look at the...

Ra- At the girls...

Sid- Even you Armaan?

Ar- Why can't I?

Sid- Just asking...then shall we go?

Ra- Yeah!

Ar- Rahul, whom will you stare?

Ra- Of course ya, Muskaan, who else?

Ar- Man...I'm proud of you

Ra- What for?

Ar- Even after 2 years of marriage, you still love her

Sid- I know right

Ra- Shut up yah!

All the three guys went to peek at the girls secretly. The girls were chatting and talking with the other girls sitting around them. Anjali was sitting in the middle having her Mehendi first. On her left, Riddhima and Niki were sitting and on the right side, Muskaan was sitting with the other girls.

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