"Sure! Where do you want to go?" Temi asked.

"We could go to the market! I've never been to Sleviano's market yet! It would be so much fun! You can also buy stuff you know!" Jilly talked in excitement and yes, I agree. Market is somehow interesting and crowded I can see many interesting things.

"Why not? Markets here are awesome and unique! Not like market in my world though, boring."

"Let's go!" Amethyst paid for our meal and we took a stroll to a market near the sea. The view was so magnificent.

We walked together through the roads we've been through earlier then into the crowds someone accidentally bumped into me. I think it's a 'he' because of the man built and tall body covered in a black cloak. He didn't even say sorry for bumped into me.

"[y/n], you okay?" I realized that after that bump, my body pushed into Nova and we almost fell down.

"Ugh, I'm fine. How rude."

"Wait, hey Amethyst! Why are you taking us here?" Temi suddenly popped out of nowhere from the crowds.

"What? This is the market right?"

"Uuuaaargghh! Hey Am! This is the black market!" Apollo seemed to struggle because of everyone here.

"What? I don't know if there are any black market here?" Amethyst opened the map but then a huge goat behind her ate the map.

"Because it is not on the map!" Temi continued.

"And the map is now inside the goat's tummy!" Jilly now is the one got bumped.

"Just, get out of here! Wine here are usually illegal and unsafe!" Arthur shouted and started to ran away.

"Wine is all for your brain isn't it Arthur?" Amethyst punched Arthur's head in the crowd.

"We gotta go!" Kora followed them.

"Wait for me!" Everyone started to rushed out to get out of the crowd and I'm left away.

"Hurry [y/n]!" Nova rushed out to reach my hand and someone grabbed me and took me away.

"AAAH NOVAAA-" They covered my mouth but thank goodness Nova saw me and ran towards me and called the other. I looked to the kidnapper and it was the man who bumped into me earlier

Why am I always in trouble? First I'm kidnapped to the Indian village now what? Don't tell me he's going to sell me to this black market! That's the worst! He brought me through the small road among the buildings while running and covering my mouth. Struggling is useless because I've been struggled myself and he was so strong that I can do nothing.

"You!!!" Jilly appeared from upside and threw her blue fire to the person who got me. They kept running until Amethyst threw her scythe infront of us and Apollo block the other way with his enormous sword. Nova guard the way upside with Jilly while Artemis and Arthur is ready to attack.

Arthur swung his sword but sadly they dodged and it scratched my arm. Temi jumped and pull off his cloak.

"Sup." Behind that black coat appeared a face, with the eyes that is red as a pure ruby and messy brown hair.

He put me down and a trash can dashed from the side of my ear to the guy. He dodged the trash can and it was Apollo who kicked the trash can and he took his sword, ran into the guy and put his arm around the guy's neck.


Then the trash can earlier dashed to the guy named Leo and Pollo as they ducked and it swung again right at the side of my ear. Really? A trash can fight?

"There we go. The trio is completed." Temi kicked off the can from hitting her and let the poor trash can hit the ground.

Kiro ran to Leo and Apollo with his poker face and group hugged them.
"Get ready [y/n]. If the trio is all summoned, you shall see the craziness of them all." Amethyst pulled out her scythe and kept it.

"May the power of God opened their eyes." Kora held Temi's shoulder and they put a cringe face.

After they finally pull off the hug, Temi asked Leo. "Yo, why you're here?"

"I was with Sora but she disappeared and I ended up at the market. Then I saw you guys."

"And why you kidnapped me?" I asked.

"I've never seen you. But seeing you with them, a little prank would work." He said with a naughty smile.

"Yea it work and we're finally out!" Temi and Leo fist bumped.

"So, who are you?" Leo stare at me. I think among the trio, only Apollo who doesn't have a stare that can kill anyone who look at them.

"Stop that stare dude!" Apollo slapped Leo's face. But he didn't got mad and repeated his question.

"Long story. Just get out of here already." Kiro slapped Leo's face.

"What the hell man?!" Leo slapped Apollo and Kiro's face.

"Keep it going guys untill a goat can bred eggs." Kora and Temi walked away I guess just tired seeing their brothers act like a crazy child.

"Leo... How could you... After all this time..." Apollo acted while laying on the ground dramatically.

"Bro... You... You betrayed us..." Kiro also sat down and spoke dramatically.

"PISS OFF!!!" Leo kicked Kiro and Temi kicked Apollo.

"GOAAAAAL!!!" Jilly and Kora shouted and I don't know since when they have that snacks while Nova busy eating her fruits with Arthur and Amethyst and I can only spectating their silly fight.

"Stop it! Ugh we're now just like some homeless idiots wandering around and do nothing!" Amethyst finally spoke.

"Where should we go~" Temi sat on Apollo.

"We don't even know. Especially there is no problem for [y/n] to solve and-" Jilly stopped.

"What?" Nova asked.

"We can prepare [y/n]! Right?" Jilly continued.

"So [y/n] can face any problem we... Or she met!!!" Kora stood up and put her hands in the air.

"Because this is the countryside, there's a forest near here. We can train her there." Apollo suddenly stood up and dropped Temi.

"What do you think, [y/n]?" Jilly held my shoulder.

"Sure. I can only hope I'm not a burden you you guys."

"Then train." Kiro finally spoke again.

"I'm ready. Help me learn how to fight" I bowed and they cheered.

"Wohoooo! Lesson is starteeeed!" Nova hugged me and we walked to the woods planning for my training.

-To be Continued...

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The Dodols are completed!!! Apollo Kiro and Leo :D

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