Chapter 1: Free

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The ride to the hospital was incredibly quiet. So quiet, you would hear the sound of a pin drop from a mile away. We didn't know what to say, or even if we did, we wouldn't know how to respond to it.

Our mother had just gotten out of surgery, and she was sitting in a coma, her body swollen and covered in scratches. My father didn't want my younger brother, Noah, who was 6, and my younger sister, Layla, who was 4 to see my mother in her condition. He only let me, and my older brother, Henry to see her. To say goodbye.

I grabbed my mothers hand, as Henry grabbed the other, and we cried with everything we had, wishing we had a chance to fully say goodbye with her awake.

My father kissed her forehead, and then buried his face into her neck, smelling her unique scent just one last time. Henry and I kissed her on the cheek, and said our sorrowful goodbyes. We left the hospital, once again in silence.

The next week had been a drag. We received numerous amounts of phone calls from family members, friends, and even people we didn't know. The news of her death woke up the quiet town in Maine. And it spread fast too.

Her funeral was on a Sunday, and my father, Henry, Noah, Layla, and I, as well as others, watched as my mothers coffin was lowered into the ground. We all threw red rose petals into the ground, on her coffin because they were her favorite kind of flower. And everyday since her funeral, whenever I would go to the mall and find clothing with roses on it, I would buy it no matter the costs. And now, almost my entire wardrobe consists of clothing with roses on it.

I just wanted to keep her alive, make it seem like she wasn't actually gone from our lives. But nothing would change that.

A tear slowly slid down my cheek remembering how my mother's death was just a month ago. Almost two months. And now I'm sitting on a plane to California wanting to let go off all the pain, and hurt that Maine seemed to have caused.

Now, I know what you're am I moving to California if my father was in Maine? Well let me tell you:

"Lia? I need to speak with you." He told me, gesturing for me to sit on the couch with him. I complied, and he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me to his chest.

"I had an idea." He spoke softly in my ear.

"What if you went and lived in San Diego for a little while?" My eyes widened at the thought of him wanting me to leave.

"What do you mean, Dad? I have school, and friends that I would leave behind." I was baffled at how he had actually considered this.

"I know, but this family is going through so much pain right now. I just think it will be best if you go. Henry is going to college, and I will watch the little ones. I already talked to Alex about you staying in San Diego and she is completely fine with it."

"Dad, I don't know." I sighed, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I know, pumpkin, but maybe you should consider it. Plus, it will only be one year and then you will be off to college somewhere. I think it will be good for you to spend some time away from Maine."

"What about you, Dad? Are you okay with this?"

"I will be if you are." He replied, kissing my forehead.

I looked into my father's eyes, looking for the reassurance that everything will be okay. I couldn't help but think how this 36 year old man, my father, had just lost the love of his life, and now he's going to lose me too.

"Dad, I don't think I can go. You're all I have left." I cried, my voice breaking in between sobs.

"You're all I have left too. Did I ever tell you how much you look like you're mother? Well, you do. I'll miss seeing her smile everyday when I see you first thing in the morning. I'll miss her laugh, which also happens to be similar to yours. And I'll also miss her beautiful blue eyes, just like the ones you have."

"So, go to California. It's about time you let go of the pain, and start having a good senior year. It's how your mother would have wanted it." He confirmed, smiling.

I hugged him with all I had, just to assure him that me going away will be good. I know he would be okay.

And now, here I am, about to exit the plane from an exhausting 8-hour plane ride. I was 17 and I had never left my Dad alone before.

My Dad had me young, when he was 18. It seems scary to think about sometimes. How if I was my Dad I would have a child in a year. It is crazy to even contemplate.

My Dad met my Mom when she was 21. And she had Henry when she was 18 too, so he is my half-brother. Then they decided to get married after having me, Lia Rose James. They seemed like a wild couple to get married that young, but I definitely looked up to them. I have always been searching for what they have. Well, what they had.

Then, soon enough my mother had Noah, and then Layla. And it started to feel like a happy family. But then the accident happened, and we were all broken.

So maybe my Dad was right, and maybe he was just trying to protect me. I had experienced enough pain in my life, it was time to have a good senior year. And it started in California.

I didn't take me long to retrieve my luggage from the claim area, and walk out of the terminal.

That's when I saw him. Him. Oh, how much I've missed him from the last time I saw him. His smile, his presence. He always seemed to lighten any situation. Him.

I noticed that white sign with "Lia" in a pinkish color in all caps. I couldn't help but laugh, he never was the artistic type. But it didn't matter. I was going to spend my senior year with the people that I love.

"Hey Lia." Was all he said as I approached his figure, rolling my suitcase and carrying my luggage.


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*this is the first chapter of this book, so please be aware that it may be boring, in a sort. I apologize, but I had to lay down some background before I dive into the actual story. I hope you enjoyed Lia and her journey to California.*

(Lee-ah) < how Lia's name is pronounced. I wanted her name to be unique, and I know some will be asking how to say it. So here it is!


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