Chapter 25: I Know You Know

Start from the beginning

"Moment killed, thanks Jess." I said almost sulking. He shrugged.

"You're welcome." He said putting some chips in his mouth.

"I know you know that I'm not telling the truth!" Sidney sang aloud. She came to sit down next to Kevin. He looked at her in surprise. We must've all looked confused because she explained, "It's a song, theme song actually from-"

"Psych?" Kevin said. She nodded in happiness.

"You know that show? I love that show!" Sidney said before picking up some food and eating.

"Hey DJ Sid." Jesse said nodding at her. She nodded back then turned to Kevin.

"So what other shows do you like?" She said to Kevin and he looked back at her talking to her for a while and she sighed. "Well this sucks, I finally meet someone who watches Psych too, and I'm moving next week." She said looking upset. Kevin shook his head at her.

"Trust me, there will always be fans for that show." He said amused. She smiled.

"True, true." She said to him and turned to Blaine, "Oh and thanks for inviting me here for lunch Blaine!" Sidney said beaming at Blaine.

"Oh sure, you're welcome here anytime." Blaine said smiling kindly at her before she stood up. "I have to talk to Coach about some cheerleading meeting since we don't have practice today, I'll see you guys later." She said looking around the table then looking back at me. "We're still going to hang out later, right?" I nodded.

"Yeah, but can you meet me at the bleachers after school, Ms. Stewart wants me to conduct a project about the distance of the football field and-"

"No geek talk. I'm trying to eat." Jesse said mocking a serious tone. Kevin and Sidney laughed. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Blaine.

"Just meet me there please." I said looking annoyed at my friends. Blaine rolled her eyes and came closer to kiss my cheek. I found myself smiling at her, "See you Blaine."

"Yeah, I'll see you guys later!" She said waving at us as she walked out of the cafeteria. I sighed happily.

"See you Blaine." The three of them mocked, and I turned to Sidney in surprise. She started to laugh, and pointed to Jesse.

"He made me do it." She said and I shook my head at her. We then talked about other stuff like what was going to happen after school. "Aww that's so cute!" She said, and I chuckled at her.

I sure hope Blaine thought so too..

"So you really didn't lose your contacts?" She questioned. I shook my head.

"I just wanted it to be like the old Alan asking her out." I explained.

"Aww!" She said as Jesse said, "Old Alan, New Alan, same thing." Kevin chuckled.

I held in a comment and just drank some orange juice.


As I went to the bleachers after school, I passed by the school parking lot. I saw that Lily was with Shelly, and it surprised me a little. Shelly was looking like she actually cared, and Lily was nodding and clenching her fists. This confused me, usually it's the opposite. Kevin suddenly pulled me along as he directed us to the bleachers. We discussed the plan one more time, and he told me to relax. I nodded still nervous and he went on his way. I stayed on the side of the football field by myself, and after a few minutes, Blaine showed up.

"Hey Alan!" Blaine said when she saw me after school. I really hope Jesse comes through with this. I tried to shake the nerves away and smiled at Blaine.

"Hey." I said to her but then was looking back at the school. She came to stand next to me and looked at me curiously.

"Are you almost done?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah almost, I just have to go up and get a good view of it as a whole." I said grabbing my backpack and going up the bleachers. "Come on Blaine." I said so I could make sure she's following. When we were up high enough, I put my backpack down and sat down, wanting Blaine to do the same. She did and we looked over the field in silence. It's going to be okay. I told myself. I started biting my lips, growing nervous, but stopped when I noticed I was doing that. Suddenly Jesse came up, giving Blaine a single flower, a blue lily. Kevin came after him, giving Blaine another blue lily. One by one, the jocks were coming up to give Blaine a blue lily then going back down. Blaine looked surprised yet confused and when the jocks stopped coming up, she blinked in surprise and turned to me.

"What just happened?" She looked at me in confusion then noticed my smile. "Did you plan this Alan?" She said looking down at the now bouquet of flowers. She smiled back, giving me a hug. "Thank you Alan, they're so pretty!" She said looking so happy and shy. While she was looking at the flowers, the cheerleaders came out. They started cheering, and Blaine looked up confused. "Wait, I thought Coach cancelled practice today?" She said. The cheerleaders then took their form and made letters with their pom-poms. They spelled out: Say Yes. I could almost feel Jesse pushing me to start talking, so I mentally prepared myself. Then, I grabbed Blaine's hand and spoke. She immediately turned her attention to me.

"Well, um.." Come on Alan!This is Blaine, you could do this. I mentally nodded."When I told Jasper that I love you Blaine, I said it sadly because I thought you could never feel the same." Good, keep going! "But I know now that for some unknown reason, you do actually love me- you know, in that way." Just spit it out! "I should've said this before just like I should've just told you my feelings." I took a deep breath. "Blaine, I love you; will you please be my girlfriend?" Her mouth dropped open a little; she quickly looked at the words the cheerleaders made and turned back to me.

"Wait, you want me to be your girlfriend for real?" She said looking shocked. I nodded at her not knowing what to expect. Suddenly, a grin went on her face and she gave me a big hug.

"Yes I want to be your girlfriend!" She said looking so excited. The grin went on my face faster than I could imagine. I saw Jesse and Kevin on the side of the football field near the bleachers and I gave them a thumbs up. They gave each other a fist bump. Suddenly they were pointing at her, mouthing something to me. I didn't know what they were saying at first, but then Jesse made obnoxious kissy faces. At that, I bit my lip again before I nodded a little and looked back at Blaine. That was the second part of the plan. She was still in my arms and before I even let panic take over, I leaned close, she looked at me and leaned even closer, so I leaned closer to her face than I ever have before.

I could hear cheers around us, but I could only focus on Blaine and me. I kept my arms around her wanting to keep the moment for us. Kissing her felt more private, I never realized how possessive I felt towards her until I actually got her. Until I found out how amazing it was to be with her. Not just as her best friend, but more. To actually be her, dare I say, boyfriend. When we pulled back, we let our foreheads touch. She looked at me happily and I, with no doubt, returned the look.

"I love you Blaine." I told her, wanting to make sure she knew.

"I love you too." She answered.

"Even if I'm a dork?" I questioned sounding serious without meaning to.

"Especially if you're a dork." She answered giving me a hug. "Even if I'm a cheerleader?"' She asked sounding serious too. I pulled back to show her my mock-serious face.

"Especially if you're a cheerleader." I said with a chuckle. She rolled her eyes at me and chuckled too.

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