Chapter 15!

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I heard shouting from outside, but it may have been my inagination, considering I haven't slept for a week and all this crying made me even more tired than before. I was just about to close my eyes when a door was kicked down, making me jump with suprise. I thought it was the cops, but it was just the team, with a very worried-looking Megan. They eyed the room, then saw me in Rob in's arms, and started to panic. Badly. "Oh my God, you're okay. Or, not okay. Just, alive. I don't know. We need to get you to a hospital, fast. Who knows how much longer you have. It wouldn't be long, considering your eye. Come on, guys! Get them to the Bioship!" Lave it to Aqualad to take charge of everything. No wonder he's the leader.

Conner came over to pick me up, but Robin insisted on carrying me. He scooped me up bridal style, and ran into the Bioship as fast as he could. The team was waiting inside, and as soon as Robin's foot left the ground and touched the ship, the door closed and we were speeding off to the nearest hospital.

I could barely breathe. My eyelids were getting heavy with sleep, and were threatening to close. I kept them open, because Robin and Wally were whispering it, making sure they stayed open. I didn't want them to close, but my mind betrayed me. They were too heavy and my body was screaming for sleep. I slid them closed, for just a second, but as I drifted off into sleep I heard shouting, cursing, and felt the ship go faster.

The ship made a sudden stop, and I was lifted again, then placed onto something soft, and cusiony. While back at Fear's house, or, my house, I guess, I changed into a different pair of clothes, so if I was taken to a hospital, no one would figure it out as quickly. A mask was placed onto my nose, and it smelled of strawberries. A sleep mask. They got me to a hospital. Thank God.

It lulled me into a dream, the fantasy stretching it's fingers toward my conciousness, and I gladly accepted it.


I opened my eyes to an overwhelmingly bright light. As my eyes slowly adjusted, I stretched my fingers, but found two different hands holding them. Or, more like clinging to them for dear life. Dad and Dick were both holding my hands, and they were sleeping. They were cute when they slept. Boys always are. Dick didn't have his sunglasses on, they were on top of his head, messing up the already messy hair.

I looked down at myself, and saw I was waering my favorite pair of pj pants, and my lucky yellow shirt, that was perfectly unharmed and unstained. Thank God. It was better than any hospital gown anywhere.

The heart monitor thingy was beeping, and it was really annoying, so I decided to screw with they boy's minds. I made my heart stop, which in turn made the monitor make an even more annoying beep, and both Dad and Dick shot up from their sleep, with a scared expression. My heart started again, and they slowly sat in their chairs, which didn't look very comfortable. Dad stroked my face with a soft smile, while Dick held my hand even tighter than before. I gave them a small smile, and looked out the window to my right. It was snowy outside, and frost covered the edges of the glass.

The veiw looked different, since usually I could see Wayne Tower from a distance, if I were in Gotham. Which I am not. "Mind explaining what hospital I'm at, and why?" Dick spoke first.

"You're at the Star City hospital, since it was the closest, and you're here because you needed medical assistance. Badly. We knew it would've been better then taking you to the cave or the Watchtower. Besides, they were able to stop the bleeding. The doctors said you were lucky to be alive, after what happened to your eye and all." Dad shushed him, and I looked from him to Dick then back again a few times.

"What, in the name of my father, happened to my eye? And don't lie. You both know when I knoew you're lying to me." Dick looked out the window, and Dad avoided looking at me. Something's up.

Nightwalker (Young Justice FF) Book 1 In the Night Series TrilogyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang