A Kindred Soul

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“Zayn it’s your coffee girl!”

Kate felt her heart basically stop at hearing Niall.  Did he really just call her Zayn’s?

“Niall,” Zayn said a calm but almost deadly voice as he glared at his Irish bandmate.  Niall replied with a cheeky grin. 

“Is your dress okay?” Hope asked breaking the awkwardness that Niall created, 

Kate looked down at her white hi-low dress, checking the train. “Yes, I think so,” Kate said smiling as she looked up at One Direction and the unfamiliar girl that had caused quite the stir. 

Zayn wanted to say something more but a noise could be heard in which the girl furiously went into her clutch to get her beeping cell phone. 

“Oh my gosh, I have to go,” Kate said reading her text from her overseer that was with her.  He had asked where she was and if she could make it to the bridge over top in order to take bird eyes view pictures of the event.  “I’m a huge fan!” Kate said smiling at the nearest person to her who happened to be Zayn.  Upon finding it was him, a blush spread over Kate’s cheeks.  “Can’t wait to see you guys perform!” was all she could say before picking up her rather long train with one hand so that no else would step on it, and clutching her camera with the other.

Zayn just stared at the previous spot that the girl was just at. 

“I like her,” Niall commented, breaking Zayn from his gaze.  Zayn looked back at Niall and gave him a cool look with narrowed eyes. 

“Mate I think she’s been claimed.” Louis said trying not to laugh. 


Kate had never seen so many gorgeous people in her life.  She felt almost out of place but tried to smile confidently, it wasn’t like as if it’d do any good to compare herself to them. 

“Kate get a picture of that girl that came in with those boys all you girls like so much.” Kenny her over seer, a rather geeky man that was not nearly as impressed as her by the array of stars.  “From the uproar, it sounds like they may be tomorrow’s headlining entertainment section.”

“But…” Kate protested. 

Kenny sighed at the much too sweet girl that their boss had hired to be their intern this summer.  “It won’t be anything vulgar, we’re not the Inquirer, we just need a picture of her and her dress to compare to the other females. It will be tasteful.”

Kate blushed, feeling awful that she’d assumed the worse. 

Kenny shook his head at her.  “Just go Kate,” he said ushering her off. 


Kate had been absolutely nervous as she sat down next to Hope, she’d only been sent off to take a picture and now she was sitting down where One Direction was seated and talking to the girl like as if  the two of them were friends not mere acquaintances, if that.

“That’s so great!” Hope gushed upon hearing about her internship.  “You must be really good to be offered that postion!”

“Thanks,” Kate blushed, fiddling with her camera.  “I plan to double major in Art and Journalism in the fall so, its really a great eye opening experience.”

“And do you like it?” Hope asked smiling as she leaned forward toward her, all ears on Kate. 

“I love it, I-” Kate said  but was cut off as the show started again. 

“We can finish our conversation at the next commercial break.” Hope winked before turning to face the show. 

Unfortunately they didn’t get to finish as after the next commercial an up and coming act started to play at a side stage while the main stage was getting set up for One Direction. 

Serendipitous: Zayn's StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon