I grimace, turning back around. He's wearing his basketball jersey, clearly unbothered by the cold, a Santa hat casually propped on top of his black hair in an adorable mess.

"Oh, I'm just going to the nurse." I admit, my voice higher than normal. My body vibrating from standing still, I need to move.

He closes the distance between us, resting his hand on my forehead. "You feel warm." And you look hot, here we are stating the obvious.

"Are you ok?" He leaned down to scan my face.

Not really. It takes me a moment to answer him, too distracted by his close proximity-I mean my anxiety.

"I'm fine, I just need some Advil." My voice somehow gets even higher. Damn.

He purses his lips, his very nice lips. "I'll walk you."

"No!" I blurt out, jumping back from him. I take a moment to collect my thoughts. "I mean, I'm perfectly fine. Just go on ahead and I'll meet you soon. Everyone will get worried if we both don't show up.

That or money would be exchanged in bets and I don't need them getting any ideas. Yes, my friends bet on me.

Ashton reaches for me again, "Are you sure-"

"I'm sure." I say bluntly, turning away before he could further protest. At this point I can hear my heart beating in my head.

Was I a little harsh? Probably, but I don't really do the whole help thing. When I was eleven, I broke my ankle tumbling and didn't tell anyone for an hour because I was convinced I could heal myself with ice. I couldn't but I've made it this far by myself, a little walk down to the nurse won't kill me.

Nurse Molly's office is decorated to the max for Christmas, carols are playing and candy canes hang from the ceiling in ribbons, although I'm pretty sure that's a fire code violation.

"Hello, dear, how can I help you?" She asks all too brightly, causing me to wince.

"I need my m... medicine." I say, my jaw clattering.

I watch as the kind old lady's smile fades, she hurries over to the tall metal cabinet, scanning the rows for my name. She grabs a familiar container and shakes it but instead of hearing pills clatter there's nothing.

My heart stops.

She looks at me apologetically, "There has to be some under one of the boys' name." I interject before she can tell me what I already know.

Thankfully, despite my rude tone, she looks again, no change. I lose all hope, resting my head against the wall. The slight shaking turns into body tremors.

I can control this. Just breathe in and out.

"Would you like a pass to your car?"

"No" I used the last of that container last week when I spent the night at Ella's house. Just for once I would like to have my life in order. But, of course, nothing goes the way I want.

I focus on my breathing, the noise of a freezer opening and feet shuffling distant to my ears. An ice pack is placed gently in my hands, "You can stay here until you feel comfortable."

And I could. She wouldn't let anyone else into the room until I was better. However, before I can say anything the loud speaker screeches.

"Scarlett Rhodes to Dean Michaels office."

Of course. What the hell could I have possibly done now?

Since Riverview is K through 12, each of the three divisions has a principal and vice principals but the Dean oversees everyone. To be called by him pretty much means death.

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