Fighting an octopus!? Gross...

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"Peter Olsen's here for what seems like, yet, another giant animal attack! We are in an helicopter to give you those shots while being safe. It is the 3rd attack this month and after the giant Rat of New York and the huge Crab of Bakana Town, now it is an octopus that is wrecking a city! The octopus has come out of the sea, I was told. Not every citizens have escaped since the monster came without any warning. Many buildings have collapsed and- wait."

"It looks like there is something under water that is coming. Jimmy, film that! Oh God! Another monster!"

"Isn't that the one who killed the other monsters?", Jimmy asked.

"Or it could be another monster, Jim. Let's just hope they will fight and not ally."


"It looks like the new monster is challenging the octopus. Are you still filming that Jim?"
"Good! But we'd better get away from those two before we- *shake* (great sound effet huh?) What was that?!"

"The octopus grabbed us!!" Jimmy shouted while turning the camera to the tentacle.

The kaiju then threw the helicopter to you while the passengers were screaming, still hanging to the vehicule. You caught it without destroying it.

"AAAAAAAHHHHH!! GOD!", yelled Peter Olsen seeing your gigantic eye looking at them, "He saved us?"

You slowly put down the helicopter, the journalists and the pilot then ran away as fast as possible, Olsen thanking you.


"My turn you damn freak." I said to my opponent. Forgot to say that we can communicate between monsters, kinda telepathically but not quite. Only kaijus hear what other kaijus say.

I fired my Atomic Blast at him (yeah let's go with that name, even tho it isn't atomic) but he dodged. I grunted before running to my opponent trying to land a hit but it sidestepped and went behind me, I then quickly moved my tail to smash the creature against a building.

It grapped my tail and tried to pull me but I was way stronger than this giant octopus so I sent him flying away and then proceeded to blast it with my Atomic Blast.

"Stay down." I always wanted to say that.

I turned around to see how bad the city was and...well, it wasn't that wrecked, it could have been worse. I think that most people have managed to escape but I'm not sure. I snapped back to reality when the Octopus jumped on my back by surprise, wrapping its tentacles around me.

"You damn-" I grunted, trying to break free, in vain. "What a pain! Y'know what? I'm just gonna-"

I fired my Atomic Blast at the tentacles making the kaiju finally letting me go, but it wasn't over yet. I grapped one of its tentacle and shoulder-threw the monster.

The Octopus then shot its ink and tried to flee into the sea. I stomped one of its tentacle so it wouldn't escape and I mercilessly blasted the creature to death.

It was over. My opponent shrank down, revealing a human form. Dead.
I sighed and went back to my island.

??? PoV

"He is really good", I said looking at the screens, "but he still lacks effectiveness. At least, that is what I think."

"You may be right sis, but he helped us, against his will sure but still."

"What about the prototype?", I asked.

"The scientists aren't sure if it will work properly but they are pretty optimistic, after all it is a rather big improvement."

"And our dear little monster?"

"She's ready, I guess. Will she be the next one we send? I mean she is our best kaiju so if she died we-"

"Do not worry, brother." I interrupted. "The scientists will see what works and what doesn't, so even if she ends up dying, we will improve. And we still have a lot more monster ideas."

A/N: My first fighting sequence.
EDIT: Looking back at it after such a long's awfully bad, way too short.

The Monsters Humanity Created: Male 2014 Godzilla Reader X Female GodzillaWhere stories live. Discover now