I am NOT [crushing on Lee Felix]

Start from the beginning


Felix clutched his heart, trying to control the wild beating inside his chest. Chan caught up with him when he went up the stairs towards the common room. "I just asked Seo Changbin on a Hogsmeade date," Felix all but breathed out.

The older's grin widened. "Did he say yes?" he questioned.

Felix gave him a wide-eyed look. "I... don't know..." he answered.

"What do you mean, you don't know?" Chan questioned. Felix still had a hard time believing that he had actually managed to even speak to Changbin in the first place. Where had that sudden rush of confidence come from?

He summarized his short conversation with Changbin to Chan. They reached their common room and Felix immediately collapsed in one of the armchairs.

"I can't go through with it... I just can't," he muttered. Chan patted his knee comfortingly.

"Of course, you can. Changbin's a nice guy. He may seem intimidating, but I think he's interested in you," he informed his younger friend.

Felix gave him a hopeful look. The thought that Seo Changbin might actually like him back gave him a little bit more confidence. He just hoped that the Slytherin would really show up to their date...


Changbin did end up meeting Felix on Saturday, simply because he had nobody else to go to Hogsmeade with and not because he liked the Gryffindor or anything. Minho had ditched him to go on a date with his boyfriend and Hyunjin had gotten himself into detention yesterday.

So, here he was, walking down the road to Hogsmeade with Lee Felix right next to him.

"I didn't see you at the last Quidditch game," the younger spoke up.

Changbin shrugged. "I was studying," he replied. It wasn't a lie. He'd had a Defense Against the Dark Arts test the next day and he didn't want to get side-tracked by a strikingly gorgeous Australian fuck on a broomstick. So, he'd just settled on staying at the library and not even Hyunjin or Minho could coax him out of there.

They reached Hogsmeade and Felix suggested heading to Honeydukes first because, apparently, he was running out of sweets. It was crowded as usual, but Felix didn't seem to mind. He seemed not to be bothered by a lot of things in general. Changbin, though, was glad when Felix had paid for everything he needed, and they were finally outside again.

"Should we get butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks?" Felix offered. "My treat," he added with his signature grin, which Changbin totally wasn't weak for, okay?!

"Sure," the Slytherin agreed before the two of them made their way to the pub. It was silent for a few minutes, in which Changbin felt incredibly awkward.

"So... uh... why did you want to come here with me of all people?" he finally asked. He cringed at his own awkwardness.

Felix chuckled. "Because I like you," he said – and believe it or not, the guy wasn't even blushing.

Meanwhile, Changbin choked on air.

"Excuse me?"

They reached the pub before Changbin could say anything else and went inside. Felix ordered two butterbeers for them. He unabashedly reached for Changbin's hand and dragged him through the crowd to the far back of the room where he'd spotted a vacant table.

"You heard correctly earlier. I asked you to come to Hogsmeade with me because I like you," Felix told him once they were seated. Changbin was pretty sure that he was the one blushing now. A Slytherin prefect did not blush, for Merlin's sake. "You're cute," the younger added when he saw what kind of impact his words had on Changbin.

"I'm not cute," he mumbled into his butterbeer before taking a sip. Felix just laughed. "Are you always this straightforward?" Changbin questioned after calming his racing heart down a little.

The younger grinned again. "I know what I want," he replied. Well, Changbin had to admire the guy's confidence... along with everything else he already admired about Felix. He probably wasn't in Gryffindor for nothing. "How are my chances for a second date so far?" Felix asked Changbin who was just taking another sip from his butterbeer.

The older choked on his drink and coughed – rather unattractively – upon hearing Felix' question.

"You alright?" Felix questioned with a concerned look on his face. After all, this was the second time he'd almost caused Changbin to die.

"D-date?" the Slytherin croaked out once he got most of the butterbeer out of his windpipe. Felix' grin returned to his face. "I-I mean...I guess you're doing quite alright so far..." Changbin told him.

"So, that means you're going to say yes if I ask you out again?" Felix asked. He looked so excited at the thought that Changbin couldn't help but smile.

"Maybe," he said.

He knew that he would definitely say yes, but he decided not to tell Felix about that just yet.


Changbin started getting less shy and more comfortable around Felix as they talked about everything ranging from Quidditch, to classes and teachers they liked or hated, to their friends. It was surprisingly easy to talk to Felix. He wondered why he hadn't mustered enough courage to do it earlier.

They had about twenty minutes until dinner started so they decided to make their way back to the castle.

"I had fun today," Felix said.

Changbin looked at him. "Me too," he admitted.

Felix' face brightened up. "Good. I might really ask you out again," he told Changbin, a cheeky grin spreading on his face as they entered the castle through the main entrance, heading into the Great Hall where dinner was already being served.

"You might?" Changbin questioned. Felix laughed.

"I will," he promised before he leaned in and pecked Changbin's cheek. He grinned and walked over to the Gryffindor table, once again leaving Changbin speechless and blushing.

He was greeted by a smirking Hyunjin when he finally walked over to his own table. "Did I just see you get a little kissy from Lee Felix?" he teased. Changbin glared at him and flopped himself down onto the seat next to his younger friend.

"Shut up! How was detention?" he asked, eager to change the subject. Luckily, Hyunjin didn't pry and instead began telling Changbin how he had to clean the boys' bathroom on the first floor with a jinxed toothbrush.

Changbin barely listened, though, since he was busy looking across the Great Hall to where Felix sat with his friend Bang Chan, who was the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. The younger turned his head and caught Changbin's eyes, sending a smile in his direction.

Maybe Seo Changbin did have a small (read: huge) crush on Lee Felix. And maybe one day, he'd be ready to admit it to someone, other than himself.

I am NOT! [Stray Kids Hogwarts AU One Shot series] Minchan/Changlix/SeungjinWhere stories live. Discover now