Chapter 26: Monkey Business

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Cedrick looked at the sun. "They should be here any moment." He sighed. "I wish they'd hurry up. I hate standing around waiting."

"I know what you mean." Mercutio sighed.

Cedrick had one foot up on a large rock in front of him, looking over the plains for a sign of an approaching party. The wind teased his hair, and the smell of summer grass filled their noses.

The scouts had already reported there was no army approaching. They were safe in that respect, but still felt uneasy and kept looking around, hoping to see the messengers they'd been told of.

"What if he has some trap to kill us?" Lieut. Aloysius asked.

"Don't worry; I could defend us from anything like that." Cedrick promised. "No, I think he guessed I could. No... no, he's got someone coming, but why and what he wants we can only guess."

"Well, I'm sick of guessing. Let's get this over with." Lieut. Aloysius sounded annoyed.

"That's what he wants." Margorim stated. "He likes to shake up those he deals with. It makes them more erratic; while he has a clear head. Stay calm. He's trying to unsettle us."

They all fell silent once more. Cedrick scanned the land. "It's almost midday. Should we pack up?" He asked Mercutio.

Mercutio hesitated. "Give them a little longer." He decided. "Once the sun starts to descend, if there's still no sign, we'll prepare for departure. It seems we might be here longer than we planned." Cedrick nodded and pushed his hair out of his face as the wind teased it.

Just before the sun reached its highest, Lieut. Aloysius pointed. "Look, I see them."

Cedrick squinted where he pointed. Sure enough, what looked like about seven men were approaching on horseback. "That'll be them." Mercutio confirmed.

Ten minutes later, they had arrived. The two men -- who seemed to be the leaders -- jumped down from their mounts. They were dressed in the uniform of one of the king's courtiers; it was black, red, and some green. Cedrick thought it all looked very odd.

The two men bowed, and the others bowed back. "We have come." The first said. He had strangely feminine hands and black eyes that made Cedrick feel cold.

"We are astounded to see you really came." The second looked surprisingly young with yellow eyes. Cedrick thought they looked snake-like, but his face reminded Cedrick of a baboon.

"Of course. We are more than willing to negotiate peacefully." Mercutio came forward. "I'm Gen. Mercutio." He extended his hand.

His hand was ignored. "Who is the enchanter?" The first asked, studying the group.

Cedrick tried to read if he was surprised not to see a woman. If he was, he did a good job of hiding it. Cedrick glanced at his father. He looked at his son and shook his head imperceptibly. Heklis was not among them. Cedrick tried to feel the energy of the men. But their energy was either so feeble they made hardly any a trace or they were masked.

"That would be me." Cedrick stepped forward. The men appraised Cedrick. Cedrick stood before their scrutiny without batting an eye.

"Him?" The second stated, taken aback and slightly scornful.

"Yes, that is him. This is Sir Cmdr. Cedrick." Mercutio introduced. The men only gave Mercutio a glance. "Now would you like to join us in the tent? I'm sure you're tired, and there is much we wish to try to negotiate."

"Negotiate." The first man laughed. "We are not here to waste our time with garbage such as you, general." He spat out the title as if it were an insult. "You think our leader would bother with the likes of you? You've had years to try to face him, and you haven't even been able to slip into his city, or any of his cities for that matter." He turned to Cedrick. "Our message is for him and him alone."

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