Chapter 4: Alone and Free

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By dawn the whole house was awake and lively; three horses were saddled and prepared to leave. The boy was to ride with Arylana. Cedrick had risen before the others and prepared food for his family. Cedrick's resentment and frustration had not ebbed in sleep.

His father asked him to hand him a pack. Cedrick did but tried to avoid making eye contact. Margorim noticed, but didn't react. He just studied Cedrick for a second before going back to work. Though he was mad, he knew they needed his support. Their world may depend upon it. Though he was angry he was being denied his right, someone had to go. So he'd support their leaving. Even if it meant he lost his rights.

Besides, Arylana carried ample resentment and bitterness for all of them. Cedrick attempted to calm her, but her superior fury was the response. She seemed as distressed about Cedrick's usurpation -- if not more so -- than Cedrick was. She didn't give her father a glance as they worked. Which Cedrick understood. With the boys gone, the local village and the hut were all her own territory. She'd have loved that power and independence.

When Margorim tried to ask Arylana for help instead of Cedrick, he got the same response he'd gotten from Cedrick. He scowled at her and his jaw tightened, but he gave no other sign he noticed.

Roxorim was uneased by the events, as if he were the only non-mourner at a funeral.

At last, the time of departure arrived, and all resentments were left behind. "Good luck." Cedrick clapped hands with his brother. "Return with honor."

Roxorim gripped Cedrick's hand steadfastly. "I will." His eyes penetrated into his brother's blue ones. "Don't give up. Continue safe." Cedrick nodded, accepted the well-wishing as they released hands.

Arylana's arms encircled Cedrick's neck. "Don't do anything stupid." She spoke softly into his ear.

Cedrick smiled. "I won't." He agreed, pulling from the embrace.

"You are of worth." Arylana insisted. "You excel at what you do. It's just... father doesn't understand it."

"I know."

Arylana smiled. "Love you." She squeezed Cedrick again. "Continue safe."

"You too." Cedrick released his sister, and she stepped away.

Margorim marched up to Cedrick. "Prevent anyone from discovering the house. No one can know we're here. If you do meet anyone--"

"They cannot find my identity; yes, father, I am aware."

His father placed his hands on Cedrick's shoulders, and his stare delved deep into his son's eyes: his purpose unclear. "Continue safe." He said finally. "Do well." His voice sounded sincere, almost caring.

Cedrick nodded and bowed faintly. Margorim gave the impression he was about to smile. His mouth twitched a little, but the smile did not come. Instead, he turned his back to his son and swung into the saddle. He directed his mount to face Cedrick. "Be cautious. Stay out of sight. You know your job."

"Yes, sir." Though his father would deny it, what he wanted Cedrick to do was sit there and do nothing.

Margorim's eyes fixed on his youngest son for a moment. Then, with a shout, he led them away. Cedrick, forlorn and abandoned as the hated runt of the litter, watched his family leave him in the dust.

And that was it; they were gone. Cedrick was again... confined. This time alone, in an empty house, with nothing to occupy him, and honestly, a fury that might drive him to burn the domicile and follow after them.

He had to control that temptation. It wasn't about him; there was a whole planet of people he was bound to protect. Following that rash course of action might not help him succeed in his goal.

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