Chapter 15: Don't Mess It Up

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They set out the very next day. Cedrick got out the Calling Charm. It had been made by his ancestors to transport any Custod to the hidden Sanctuary in a second. It then would connect him back to his home or family.

The sanctuary itself was a large building elegantly made of white stone and decorated with detailed artwork. It was the most beautiful building they had ever seen. It made them think of a temple and a palace all at once.

The garden was just as stunning. It had the most attractive fruit trees, berry bushes, vegetables, flowers, and plants. The air smelled wonderful. It was enough to lift the spirits of a dying beggar. A cobblestone path went through this garden, running beside a pond full of fish, and the sun shone down to complete the perfect scene.

An old man worked in this garden. His hair was pure white. He stood up and spotted Elphacena and Cedrick. He made a peculiar face. He wiped his hands on his work pants as he studied them.

After a second, his hazel eyes lit up. "No." His deep warm tone sang out. "It can't be who I think that is, is it? Young Master Cedrick, can it be?"

Cedrick beamed at the old man. "Steward Joel, you don't look any younger."

The old man laughed. "Now I know it's you." He opened the white gate and ran to Cedrick. He opened his arms wide, and Cedrick embraced the old man. "I can't believe it. I hardly recognized you." He said. "The last I saw you, you were only yea high." He put his hand to around his stomach. "You kept getting into my books."

Cedrick laughed. "I was a twelve-year-old boy with a mind hungry for knowledge."

"And you never really changed." The old man smiled. He looked at Elphacena, and his expression turned from joy to confusion. "This isn't your sister?"

"No, Joel." Cedrick shook his head. "This isn't."

"Well, she's pretty enough to be." Joel smiled warmly at Elphacena. "I hope to make your better acquaintance." He shook Elphacena's hand. Then he turned back to Cedrick. "What are you doing here? It's been years. I doubt you came just for the joy of reminding me of how old I am."

"No, I'm afraid not, Steward." Cedrick sighed. "As a matter of fact, what I have come for is very important."

"Ah." The old man said; his eyes twinkling merrily as he looked at Elphacena. "You're here alone with a woman, who is not your sister. I might know what you have come for. You know I can't do this, in good conscious, without your father's permission or at the very least his knowledge. Can I get a message to him? Where is he?"

"I-I'm afraid you can't." Cedrick bowed his head. "Unless you can send messages to the dead."

Joel's shoulders fell. "Oh! That I would live to hear such sad tails." He sat back on the fence with a depressed sigh. "I watched that whole generation grow up and now to hear that they are all dead."

"I'm sorry, Joel." Cedrick said sincerely.

"Now, now, my dear boy, don't you talk like that." Joel insisted caringly. "It isn't your fault in any which way. He's always been like that." He said confidentially to Elphacena. "Always trying to take on everyone's pain and sorrow for them, blaming himself for everything." Joel shook his head. "Not good for you, my dear boy, not at all. So," Joel turned back to Cedrick. "is that what you've come for then?" He asked. "To bestow the rights of the head of the family? You know that is Roxorim's right."

Cedrick hesitated. Elphacena realized he'd forgotten about this part. "No, but that will need to be done." Cedrick swallowed.

"Oh, by the Merlin's beard, he isn't dead to!" Joel cried.

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