Chapter 11: Sorceress Secrets

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He could do this. He could do this. Cedrick knew he was in trouble after last night. Why was this harder than working a simple piece of magic? It should be simple to walk up and ask if she'd forgiven him. She was relaxed, curled up with a book in hand. How hard could it be? About as difficult as making a mountain jump to the left.

As Cedrick stood there -- battling with himself -- Elphacena spotted him and raised her eyebrows. "What?"

"Nothing." Cedrick said quickly, turning away.

"I'm not that stupid." She grinned slightly. "What do you want? Spit it out." Cedrick closed his eyes and turned to face her. He stopped when he saw the smile on Elphacena's face. "Wondering if you're still in the doghouse?" She asked. Cedrick smiled. Elphacena returned it. "No. You're not in the doghouse." She turned back to her book. Cedrick wasn't assured. He felt stupid and unconvinced.

Elphacena noticed and grinned "Really, you're not in trouble. Sit down." She patted the armchair across from her.

Cedrick sat and glanced about, not sure of what to say. "That's a good book." He nodded at Elphacena's hand.

Elphacena looked at the book and smiled. "It's one of my favorites. My father gave it to me after Heklis..." Elphacena's face fell.

"I'm sorry; I didn't intend to--" Cedrick started to say.

"I know." Elphacena interrupted. "How could you know?" Cedrick cast his mind around for something better to say. "It's not like... I'm afraid you'll think badly of me or anything." Elphacena explained, "It's... it's just... difficult to talk about. It... it was rather... well." Cedrick studied Elphacena a minute. "Just...just having no one believe in you... that you can't do what you're meant to do right. No one trusts you. If they do... they don't stick up for you, or they leave." Elphacena looked down.

"I understand that feeling." Cedrick said.

"No, you don't." Elphacena shook her head. "I'm glad you don't, Cedrick. To have that burden and pressure on you... It's not enjoyable or easy."

"Yeah, like a Custod doesn't know how that feels."

"What?" Elphacena's eye widened; her mouth was gaping. She stared at Cedrick with astonishment.

Cedrick hesitated. "I-I mean..." He tried to cover up, but it was too late.

"Did you just say Custod?" Elphacena asked.

"What? No." Cedrick blew through his lips as if the whole concept was ludicrous. "Me, say that? Why would I say that? So, ahhh... where are you in the book?" This didn't help at all.

"Cedrick..." Elphacena said breathily, "'re not... you're not a Custod... are you?"

Cedrick hesitated; he couldn't lie, could he? Her face was alight with hope and suspense. Cedrick paused another second. "Yes. My full name is Sir Cedrick Alejandro Michael Custod."

Elphacena's face lit up with excitement. " then... he didn't destroy both lines." She sounded relieved and excited. "This... this is wonderful. How many are alive? Is it just you, or are there more?"

"My father, brother, and sister are alive. They are with the rebels now."

Elphacena's face changed. "If you have a sister... then why is she there, and not you? As you're not with them, I assume your job is to keep the line alive. To be the 'life line' as the books say, I think. Isn't that the responsibility of the eldest woman?"

"Yes." Cedrick sighed, "But as I told you, my father hates me: remember? He didn't deem me fit to handle it. One of the many reasons he would be furious if he found me here."

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