Chapter 21: The Battle of the Vanishing Mountain

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The armies were caught by surprise. Cedrick saw several warriors look to their commander as he surged out of his tent. He barked an order but only the men on the left side obeyed. Cedrick smirked. They'd moved in time; no clear leader had been established.

Cedrick jumped into the battle. Three men converged on him. The screams and yelling of wounded and dying men pounded on Cedrick's ears and made him feel their pain in equal measure. Soon, Cedrick had to work to keep his balance in the gory dust. The smell of blood filled Cedrick's nose. The sights were horrific to an indescribable degree. It filled up his chest as if it was going to explode out of him. Even if he could have described the pain and horrors, Cedrick wouldn't do it. No one should have those images in their minds: whether witnessed or heard second hand.

The only thing that kept him going was the frenzy of it. Every muscle was working to the fullest. Cedrick couldn't really stop and focus on anything else. He moved with his gut and his training. His only thoughts were how to best his attacker. Recognizing a feign was the most advanced piece of thought Cedrick could remember.

This went on for a long time; how long Cedrick didn't know. He emerged in the center of the encampment, where there was no fighting, just a sea of empty tents. Cedrick turned to see the men behind him. Roxorim panted heavily and had blood all up his arms, covering his greaves, and he even had spots of it in his beard.

Cedrick counted as their men followed them. His heart sank; they'd lost three. None of his men, they were panting and standing at Cedrick's side. It was one archer and Cedrick thought a blocker, but he didn't have time to be sure. He had no idea who the third man might have been.

Cedrick looked around to see where they'd be of most use. Roxorim spotted it first. "There!" He pointed to the north.

Cedrick turned. "Go!" He cried, and they dove back into battle.

This time, Cedrick was more aware of the battle. Their plan was working; they were dividing the men easily. The enemy fighters were confused. The rebel forces kept them mixed so they wouldn't unite under one commander. However, the devouring part was taking longer. The enemy may have been surrounded, but they fought well.

The battle seemed at a standstill. One moment, Cedrick was sure they were winning; the next, it seemed there were still the same amount of men as there had been before. It was unsettling. Cedrick tried to find the source.

It took him half an hour to solve it. The enemy soldiers would slip away and start to rally under one leader: really anyone with a plan, not even a commander. Then the group would be attacked. It would be forced to disband and start anew somewhere else.

Cedrick tried to find out who the rallying points were, but it was impossible. They were forming and disbanding too fast for him to see in the midst of battle.

Cedrick turned to Roxorim. "I have to get to higher ground!" Cedrick moved to leave.

"I'm going with you." Roxorim ran after him.

"You need to stay with the men! I can handle it!" Cedrick insisted.

"No! I'm staying with you!" Roxorim said impatiently.

Cedrick glared at him. He knew there was an underlying reason for this, but at the moment, he couldn't even guess what it was. He only knew Roxorim wouldn't let it go.

Cedrick sighed. "Author!" Author looked over. "Take over for a bit! I need to get to higher ground!" Cedrick yelled. Author nodded and went back into the battle.

Cedrick and Roxorim fought their way onto a mountain side. Cedrick turned and appraised the battle. It looked like it was going well. The size of the camp had shrunk considerably.

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