Chapter 14: Revelations

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The bliss didn't last long; soon, Cedrick's family would return to check on him. Before the couple could be wedded, by Custodian law, Margorim had to meet the bride-to-be. So they both needed to return to the cabin.

Elphacena was more than willing when Cedrick explained it to her. With their magic, it was a simple task to move into the cabin. They began planting crops as it rapidly blossomed into spring. There was little time to waste.

One night, Cedrick's dream resumed. It was identical, the blur of colors, the insistent weakness, and suffocating noise. Cedrick felt trapped under a mountain of stone. He strained to push it off, but the pressure was too great. It overwhelmed him. Cedrick fought back and woke with a start.

As he snapped to consciousness, he smacked his head on the headboard. The loud crack was followed by a wince. He tumbled off the bed, heart racing. Cedrick closed his eyes, trying to calm his heart. A knock joined the cacophony. Cedrick jumped a alt and hit something.

"Cedrick, are you okay?" Came Elphacena's voice.

"Nothing! I mean, yeah, I'm fine." Cedrick could feel his heart beating in his throat. His body was shaky and jumpy.

It was clear Elphacena didn't believe him. Carefully, she entered. Her eyebrows furrowed to see Cedrick upon the ground. "Why are you on the floor?" She asked. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Cedrick tried to assure, but his voice was unsteady. "It's nothing, just..."

Elphacena knelt beside him; her face full of concern. She laid a hand on Cedrick's shoulder. "You're trembling." She grasped his hand closer. "Are you alright? What happened?"

"Cena, really, it's nothing, it's..."

"Your heart's racing. Are you feeling alright? You aren't sick, are you?" She felt his forehead. Cedrick felt clammy to touch. Her worry deepened. "Where does it hurt?"

"I'm not sick. I'm fine." Cedrick said, but Elphacena didn't buy it.

"This doesn't just happen. You fell out of bed, and you look like you're recovering from Leafrick Fever." She said.

"It's happens all the time; it's nothing." Cedrick tried to assure her. "I just need to calm down."

"This happens often?" Elphacena sounded more concerned than ever.

"I'm fine, Cena. It was just a nightmare."

Elphacena's face changed. "A nightmare?" She repeated. "You mean you woke from a dream like this?"

"Yes." Cedrick shuddered. "It-t happens sometimes. It's nothing."

Elphacena softened. Cedrick was nervous and unstable. Elphacena took his hand. It was cold and clammy.

"It's alright; calm down." Elphacena soothed. "It's well."

"I can't get it to stop." Cedrick swallowed. "It just... takes time to relax. It's nothing."

Elphacena put her arms around him and hugged Cedrick to her. Cedrick rested his head against her shoulder and closed his eyes. Instantly a calming sensation flowed through him from her touch.

Elphacena gently stroked his hair. "It's okay." She spoke softly. "I'm here." Cedrick held on to her as his heart settled. He felt as if heat was slowly flowing into his muscles. The tension left him. Slowly, he felt calmer, though still shaking. Nonetheless, he pulled back.

Elphacena looked into his face. "You well?"

"Wow." He smiled.

"What is it?

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