"Feel better?" I ask him.

"A little." Calum shrugs closing his eyes. I go to move off him but he grabs my thighs with his hands keeping me firmly in place. "Stay there." Calum tells me sitting up so his back was leaning against my headboard. I was practically straddling him and the close contact made me feel a little nervous especially after that kiss last night.

"At least you don't look like Luke this morning." I lightly laugh wanting to make some sort of conversation.

"That's comforting." Calum smiles.

"I think he will be here soon actually." I tell Calum who looks at me confused.


"So you two can enjoy some sex while hungover, you know since you like it so much." I say before laughing.

"What a dick, that was once." Calum huffs looks unimpressed.

"I don't know how you could do that." I scrunch at my face at just the thought of having sex while hungover, I couldn't imagine that being very pleasant.

"Hey don't knock it until you've tried it." Calum grins.

"I would never." I shake my head. No way in hell.

"There's a first time for everything Genie."

"You have issues you know that right?" I ask him and he shrugs in response. "Maybe a couple."

"So... Um last night in the kitchen.." I stutter off. Calum bites his bottom lip and raises his eyebrows. "What about it?"

"What did Luke think you had told me?" I ask feeling a little nervous. I swear I see a flash of discomfort spread over Calum's face but he quickly smiles and that look is gone.

"Honestly? I have no idea." Calum shrugs. "We were pretty drunk." He chuckles lightly.

I didn't really buy his answer but then I figured that if he wanted to tell me something that he would. I'm sure it wasn't anything major anyway. At least that's what I had convinced myself.

"Yeah why exactly were you boys drinking?" I ask narrowing my eyes at him.

"Early celebration for the boys' birthdays." Calum replies and I roll my eyes, of course it was. I don't have the chance to reply though because Calum suddenly flips us over so that he is now on top.

"Ow. I think sudden movements are not a good idea for me at the moment." Calum chuckles closing his eyes briefly.

"You're an idiot." I laugh at him.

"Probably." Calum shrugs. I look up at him with uncertainty, what exactly was the point of this?

"Cal what are you doing?" I ask him biting down on my bottom lip.

"As much as I loved our previous position, I wanted to be on top." Calum answers casually before smirking.

"Hmm you know I think I actually prefer this position."

"Really? Don't you like being on top though?" Calum raises his eyebrows at me.

"I never said I did. You just assumed." I point out before grinning at him. Calum mutters something under his breath that I don't quite hear. "What was that?" I ask him.

"Nothing." Calum smirks before looking at my lips. Until this moment I hadn't even realised how close our faces actually were. My stomach instantly tightens in anticipation as Calum leans in even closer.

A frown appears on my face as he places a small kiss on the side of my mouth before looking back down at me. "I think you missed."

"I think I hit my mark." Calum says confidently. I continue to stare at him in confusion, I really had no idea what he was talking about. Calum smiles at me obviously amused at the fact that I was so lost.

Calum leans in again but this time he places a kiss on my jawline before starting to leave a trail of kisses down my neck. My breath hitches in my throat as he lightly bites down on the skin and then begins sucking harshly obviously intending to leave a mark.

"Calum." I say softly feeling completely breathless. I couldn't believe the way that this boy could make me feel.

Calum hums in response before beginning another attack on my neck, My left hand finds the lower back off his t-shirt and instantly scrunches it up in my hand. How many love bites was he intending to leave?

I was biting down on my bottom lip very hard trying my best to hold in the moans that were desperately trying to break free as Calum neared my sweet spot, I did not want to give him the satisfaction of that. Plus if I did let any moans escape I would never live it down with him, Calum would find a way to constantly bring it up.

My eyes instantly scrunch up tightly and my toes curl as he reaches my soft spot. Hold it in. Hold it in. I repeat to myself but as soon as he begins to suck harder I can feel myself loosing the strength to hold in the moans, so I panic and end up biting down very hard on Calum's shoulder.

Calum's mouth removes itself from my neck and he sits up before one of his hands moves to his shoulder, he looks at me in shock. "Shit Genie." Calum breathes out. "That was a hard bite."

"I'm so sorry!" I apologise before covering my face with my hands in embarrassment.

I hear Calum chuckle before he leans back down and takes my hands off my face. "I never said I didn't like it." Calum grins. "It was actually really hot."

"I'm still sorry." I tell him, reaching my hand up and pulling his shirt down to inspect the bite. The area was red and you could certainly see my teeth marks.

"It's fine. You left your mark on me, I left my mark on you." Calum smirks and my hand instantly moves to my neck. "Mind just might last a little longer." Calum says looking proud. I push him off me and rush over to my mirror to inspect the damage.

On my neck there were three pretty decent sized love bites. They weren't 100% noticeable yet but I was sure that by late tonight they would be on full display.

"Calum! How am I suppose to cover these?!" I complain turning back to look at him.

"You're not." Calum shrugs grabbing the half empty water bottle from my bedside table and taking another drink.

"You suck." I huff trying to cover my neck with some of my hair.

"And you bite." Calum winks at me.

A/N: Short little update! Got so many things planned for future chapters! I can't wait to share them with you!! Anyway vote and comment. Longer update tomorrow :)

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now